Crisis One's Reach - Station 19
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Ross and Andy are trying to do damage control for Vic after her public outburst with the mayor. He is insistent on her losing her job becuase of who may have seen and what it makes him look like.

They talk about Crisis one, and he claims that he would've helped the program and parlayed his speech into advocating for it.

This prompts a flashback to a year ago where we see the impact of Crisis One. Morris, an unhoused senior aged 'Nam vet and another younger unhoused veteran are there seeking help.

He's jovial, full of jokes, and instantly bonds with everyone at the station. Sullivan looks into finding some  help and services for them, annoyed that the country never does anything for its veterans.

Maya assures him that at least they live in the safer encampment. She knows from her experience with Mason.

She talks to Carina when they go out to Joe's for a date about how she's afraid they could be ticking time bombs with emotional health because of their brothers and pass that on to their kids too. Carina assures her that she'll be a great mom.

Morris and Arlo come in again sometime later, and Arlo has high blood pressure. He dies in the ambulance before Vic and Morris can get there.

Sullivan spends months tryihng to get Morris VA housing and talks to Ross about how screwed up it is that they get treated so poorly (veterans) and how that could have been them.

Sullivan eventually gets the approval months later, but the city breaks up the encampment and trashes all the unhoused people's belongings, including MOrris' paperwork he needs for housing. He's distraught.

Natasha brings up that they should let Morris move in with them, and it prompts a conversation about them moving in together, but she makes Sullivan temper expectations.

They finally make more progress with Morris.

In present day, Ross continues to call the mayor out and advocate for Vic and the Crisis One program.

Meanwhile, Sullivan asks Ben why he's acting strange, and he tells him he's taking testosterone and is feeling a lot better. Maya, on the other hand, is hormonal from the shots she's taking for the reciprocal IVF. And she has a hilarious outburst in the locker room with Beckett, Ben, and Sullivan as she talks about her follicles and eggs.

They get a call, and Vic tries to go with them, but she can't because she's gotten benched. They come back from the call, and andy has to tell Vic that Morris is dead.

Vic says she wants to run the debriefing for the team after a traumatic call. She expertly goes through it with them, even when Travis expresses frustration that she wasn't there to help him shoulder the burden.

IT all goes well and they break up the circle but then Vic makes an inappropriate, dark joke and has a breakdown. She then apologizes and walks out.. She talks about how she's always there for everyone esle and they didn't realize she was hurting too.

Travis goes to see her and cuddles with her in the bed and reminds her that he is always there for her and to protect her and how much he loves her.

They have a funeral for Morris. Everyone is there and shows up in their Dress Blues, and Sullivan and Ross wear their Marine uniforms. They give him a proper sendoff and give Vic the flag.

Vic learns that she gets to keep her job and Crisis One will remain open.

Station 19
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