Tom's Plans for the Choir - When Calls the Heart
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Elizabeth writes in her journal that she's moved past grief and is now grateful for the times she had with Jack. Little Jack wants to bring balloons to the gravesite for Jack's birthday.

Rosemary and Bill bring Nathan the info that Clayton Pike worked for Union City Holdings and has a connection with Montague, but Nathan says they need proof. Rosemary asks about the interview with Clayton's mom, but Nathan says the investigators thought she was biased. He gives them her contact info.

Lucas is frustrated that there are no bids for the resort, especially when Edwin suggests Montague or Jeanette's offers again. He wants to help Hope Valley, but not by working with them.

While at the gravesite, Tom Thornton surprises Elizabeth and Jack. They give him a few minutes alone, but he's thrilled to see them.

Tom sells sheet music and helps JB Sweeney scout acts for festivals, including one in Salt Lake City. As they're talking, Faith Carter catches his eye. He's impressed she's a doctor but admits she took good care of him after he and Julie crashed a car.

As Tom sings at the saloon, Rosemary and Lee gather around. His voice impresses them as he sells them sheet music of their favorite song. He then meets Lucas, who reiterates that Jack is a legend in town.

After that, he hears Allie and Angela singing, and the girls announce that Minnie is the choir director and he should scout them. Things are awkward as Nathan arrives and Elizabeth introduces the two men.

She says Tom surprised them because today was Jack’s birthday, and it was the first time he had visited Jack's grave. She says it's complicated. They didn’t always get along, and Tom had some run-ins with the law, so he felt like he was in Tom's shadow.

Nathan understands that even though Elizabeth reassures him that he's not the second choice.

Faith mends Lilly's skinned knee and then gives her a check-up. Tom enters as she's tickling Lilly and assumes she's a mom now. Faith struggles with what to call Lilly. He wants to catch up and invites them both to lunch at the cafe.

Lily is excited to join the grown-ups for lunch since she loves spending time with Faith. Minnie appears sweet to Faith and Lilly but curt to Tom as she introduces herself as the choir director and Angela's mom.

Suddenly, Florence and Molly arrive, too, and they ambush him about the festival audition. He admits there is one spot left, so they could audition over the phone, but there are no guarantees.

Lucas asks Lee for help with gathering bids since Lee knows builders who would love the work. He tries calling multiple people, but he strikes out, too.

Minnie calls an emergency choir meeting about a festival in Salt Lake City, and Elizabeth is worried but tries to give him the benefit of the doubt.

The others, especially Ned and Mei, don’t think they’ll be ready to audition by that time. Ned says they need more time to rehearse and are short on a tenor. Minnie thinks they’ll use a standby and be fine, but Florence wants Rosemary and Elizabeth’s opinion.

Minnie says they all need to agree, so everyone raises their hands, and Rosemary and Elizabeth look reluctant.

They sing " This Little Light of Mine."  Tom talks to Mr. Sweeney, and they make it in. The bad news is a $65 entry fee—$5 each. Faith is worried about the train fare, too. He knows it’s a lot of money. Allie is so excited JB Sweeney wants them.

Ned says he and Florence will lend the money to any who’s short. Rosemary is suspicious, but Elizabeth says the business cards look legitimate. They agree to take a leap of faith.

Lucas suggests a local bid to Lee, but he reminds Lucas that the two of them and Henry have a conflict of interest.

Nathan comes to talk to the others about the money. Joseph and Minnie suggest a fundraiser for the train fare. They only need $5 for now.

Elizabeth agrees with Nathan’s concern about how quickly things are going. The others remember that Tom said the music business moves fast, and they need the money by 4. Since Nathan doesn’t want to disappoint Allie, he hands over the money.


Nathan and Elizabeth talk to Tom, who seems offended. He assures them everything is legit, and he's worked for Mr. Sweeney for a few months.

Rosemary and Bill are about to leave for Union City when Mrs. Pike arrives in Hope Valley instead, stating a lady reporter wanted to talk to her.

They usher her into Rosemary's office, and she's impressed that Rosemary is in charge. She admits she recently had a bad fall, and that Clayton didn't leave her side.

Edwin wants Lucas to use emergency public funds to bid for the resort, and Henry tries to dissuade him.

Mrs. Pike tells Rosemary that a donor paid for her hip surgery. She admits that while Clayton never worked directly for Montague, Montague sent flowers to the hospital.

Bill and Rosemary rush that info to Nathan, who agrees they need to talk to Clayton.

Tom can't connect to Mr. Sweeney and seems nervous. He misses practice, and Elizabeth learns he fled town. She and Nathan rush off to find him.

Lucas is getting desperate with the Benson Hills oil company filing for bankruptcy.

Elizabeth and Nathan find Tom at the train station. He just learned Mr. Sweeney took off with the money, and he can't him.











When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 7 Quotes

Jack may never have told you this, but he always knew you’d find your way, and when you did, the sky would be the limit. He believed in you. I believed in you, and I’m really glad you’re here.


Edwin: Might I remind you that this resort is the centerpiece of your grand vision? You’ve promised prosperity and jobs.
Lucas: I’m committed to fulfilling that promise, but not with either of them.