Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag Speak Out, Deny Rumors... Again

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The bombshell revelation that The Hills star Lauren Conrad, a.k.a. "LC," and her ex-beau, fellow Laguna Beach alum, Jason Wahler, might have filmed a secret sex tape shook the reality TV world by storm.

When rumors around the Internets started swirling April 5, there was enough drama to fill a whole season of The Hills. Which makes you think it was staged. Although Lauren Conrad was real upset.

Last weekend, we brought you an exclusive interview with Lauren's former BFF, Heidi Montag, and her boyfriend, Spencer Pratt, both of whom she alleges were responsible for the false rumor.

This morning, Us Weekly has an interview with Pratt and Montag, in which they further discuss their relationship and the sex tape scandal.

Us: Lauren told us you didn't contact her after news broke about the tape. Your take?

Heidi Montag: "It's astonishing that she would say that. I guess she forgot that I was in the hospital that week [Heidi Montag got breast implants and rhinoplasty on April 2.] Maybe that would explain why she didn't call to see how I was doing."

Us: So is there a sex tape?

Heidi Montag: "No comment."

Us: Did you two leak the story?

Heidi Montag: "It's amusing to me that because I didn't call Lauren, I am behind the leak. It's outrageous and inappropriate. I have nothing to do with the tape."

Us: Spencer, did Lauren's split from your pal Brody Jenner makes things tricky?

Spencer Pratt: "Lauren Conrad couldn't get into clubs before she met us! We were her ticket to Hollywood. As soon as the double dating stopped, she was out. She has trouble being the third wheel. That's what she was when Brody didn't want to keep seeing her."

THG NOTE: Those be fightin' words. Don't talk smack about LC. Spencer, if you want to throw down, name the time and place and the Scoop staff will show up.

Us: What is your relationship really like?

Heidi Montag: "Perfect. We have so much fun. I never knew I could love someone like this."

Spencer Pratt: "I have never been so madly in love as I am with Heidi Montag. She has the world's greatest boyfriend!"

OMFG. Someone kill us know. We can't go on. Pick up the most recent issue of the magazine to read more... if you haven't already gouged your eyes out with a spoon after reading Spencer's last answer.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Reality TV Quotes

Very disappointed. Personally, I really don’t want to come back. I’d rather face the killer than backstabbers. At least I know what the motives are behind the killer.


[To Andy] If I make it back here, your ass is grass! And I’ve made sure of that.
