A Few Words from Jay Kenneth Johnson

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Jay Kenneth Johnson Shirtless

Days of Our Lives star Jay Kenneth Johnson recently talked with TV Guide Canada. Here are a few highlights from the interview:

TV Guide.ca: Big fan here. Have to admit: the soap press, including myself, were a little surprised you decided to come back to daytime TV considering your success in other mediums, post-DAYS.
Jay Kenneth Johnson: It was the right time, and the right offer for me. Hey, Salem has always been good to me, so it’s home for me. We’ll see what happens. My contract is up very soon.

TVG: You’ve never looked better — what’s your secret?
Jay Kenneth Johnson: I’m using the summer to pump up my body and get in fierce shape. I have a feeling the Summer of Love on NBC will translate into a lot of shirtless scenes. It’s a busy time — I have jury duty and I’m also looking for a new place to live but you have to take care of yourself, you know?

TVG: I won’t touch that. So why did you come back to soaps? And no spin, mister.
Jay Kenneth Johnson: It’s simple, really. Days of Our Lives executive producer Ken Corday offered me a great deal to return. The contract’s for two years — and I have a few months left. Time has flown by. In retrospect, it was a brilliant idea on my part because of the writers’ strike. I’m happy where I’m at personally and professionally. Surprisingly, they haven’t asked me to re-sign yet.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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