Megan Hauserman Kicks Brandi, Gets Kicked Out of Rock of Love Girls: Charm School

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For someone that has appeared on approximately three dozen reality shows - including Beauty and the Geek, Rock of Love and I Love Money - you'd think Megan Hauserman would understand the rules of this medium.

Pretty much anything is allowed - nay, encouraged! - with the exception of physical violence against a fellow competitor.

So when Megan kicked Brandi M. during an argument last night, we know it spelled the end of her reign on Rock of Love Girls: Charm School.

While Hauserman took the elimination rather well, the same can't be said for Brandi Cunningham:

Crying Cunningham

Sheesh. How will Brandi respond when it's her turn to leave Rock of Love Girls: Charm School?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Reality TV Quotes

Very disappointed. Personally, I really don’t want to come back. I’d rather face the killer than backstabbers. At least I know what the motives are behind the killer.


[To Andy] If I make it back here, your ass is grass! And I’ve made sure of that.
