June 17, 2014 | 0 Comments
Jack Coleman is headed back to Heroes. The actor will appear on the NBC reboot.
Is Noah Bennet good, bad or somewhere in between?
While seemingly evil when we first met the step-father of Claire (Hayden Panettiere), it became apparent that Mr. Bennet was torn between his commitment to the organization out to uncover all the heroes… and his love for his daughter.
Given Clarie by Hiro’s mysterious father – as an assignment to raise until/if she developed any strengths – Mr. Bennet grew to actually love his step child. But demands of his secret job took a dangerous toll on his family.
As Mr. Bennet was ordered to track down those with super powers, he tried to hide his special daughter. Eventually, forces collided and he was forced to give her away for safe keeping to his associate from Haiti.
Jack Coleman is headed back to Heroes. The actor will appear on the NBC reboot.
Heroes may return to the air, TV Fanatics. Really. Read on for the shocking details.
This is startling but true: NBC is expressing confidence in a shortened, fifth season of Heroes.
Sendhil Ramamurthy is officially off Heroes. But will the show even return for another season? No one knows.
The fourth season of Heroes came to an end this week. What did you think of the episode?
HRG’s life hangs in the balance this week. It’s the season four finale of Heroes.
What did Entertainment Weekly think of this week’s Heroes episode? Read on to find out.
In our review of Heroes this week, we explain why so many character are complete and utter morons.
Sylar pays Matt a visit this week. The episode is titled “The Art of Deception.”
Does any fan wish to recap Heroes this week? Write in and let us know!