Bellamy Not Leaving Bardo - The 100 Season 7 Episode 5

Bellamy comes to Bardo not realizing what he is walking into, but he isn't leaving by himself again.

Bellamy To The Rescue - The 100 Season 6 Episode 10

Bellamy goes undercover and reveals himself at the last second to help Clarke, Octavia, and Gabriel.

Bellamy Saving Mel - The 100 Season 2 Episode 4

Bellamy risks his life to save one of his people, another example of how selfless he continues to be.

Bellamy in Acid Rain - The 100 Season 4 Episode 7

Bellamy gets hit with acid rain while he tries to help his people that are stuck out there and need him.

Bellamy Saving Fox's Day - The 100 Season 2 Episode 12

Bellamy comes just in time to keep Fox safe and away from the guards in Mount Weather who want to risk her life.

Bellamy and Madi About Clarke - The 100 Season 6 Episode 6

Bellamy having to tell Madi the bad news about losing Clarke to the people in Sanctum who used her.

Bellamy Using The Past - The 100 Season 5 Episode 3

Bellamy putting his people first and not leaving anyone behind after he had to leave Clarke on Earth.

Bellamy Knowing What Is Real - The 100 Season 7 Episode 11

Bellamy telling his Bardo friend that his priorities are always with his people, something he can actually prove.

Bellamy Choosing His People - The 100 Season 3 Episode 8

Bellamy tells Monty's mother that he chooses his people every day, even if she doesn't get the true meaning.

Bellamy Saves The Mt. Weather Day - The 100 Season 2 Episode 14

Bellamy runs to help make sure his people are okay, even if that means risking some lives in Mount Weather.

Bellamy Being The Better Person - The 100 Season 2 Episode 11

Bellamy is tortured in Mount Weather and yet he still says to Clarke that they need to keep the innocent people safe.

Bellamy and Clarke Getting Honest - The 100 Season 1 Episode 8

Bellamy struggles with the choices he has had to make to survive, all while Clarke talks him through it.