Ted Slaps Barney

Marshall holds Barney down as Ted goes in to slap Barney. Will Ted get to use the final slap?

Robin Slaps Barney

Ted holds Robin back and she goes in to slap a laughing Barney. Will Robin get to use one of Marshall's remaining slaps?

Lily Slaps Barney

Wait, will the official slap bet commissioner, Lily, get a chance to use one of Marshall's slaps on Barney?

What is the SCUBA Diver?

All the gang wants to know the whole episode is why Barney is dressed like a SCUBA diver.

Barney and Robin Move On

Whether Robin is ready to or not, Barney makes it obvious he's ready to use his playbook and move on from Robin.

Chris Elliott on HIMYM

Chris Elliott guest stars on How I Met Your Mother as Lily's estranged father, Mickey, and comes by for Thanksgiving.

Barney, Ted and Robin

Barney gets upset when the slap bet returns and Marshall's remaining two slaps are award to Ted and Robin.

Fat Barney and Ugly Robin

The fat man and the old lady check themselves in the window one last time before they leave the diner... broken up.

Overstuffed Stinson

Good luck getting this guy to slim down, Robin. He has no reason not, now that he has the girl.

Fat Barney

Man, Barney has really let himself go. The guy needs a major diet, stat!

Barney and Lily Kiss!

OMG. Barney and Lily kiss in the upcoming episode of How I Met Your Mother. Okay, granted it's just a dream sequence, but intense none the less!

Barney and Lily Get Frisky

As Barney pictures what his life would be like married to Lily, the two of them get a little frisky. Wow we're feeling awkward.