HIMYM Fight!

What is the group arguing over here? Whether or not Lily and Marshall should find out the sex of their baby.

Wager On!

The wager is on. Barney shakes hands with Lily here and agrees to wear Marshall's ducky tie if he loses.

At a Wedding

Who's wedding in this? How I Met Your Mother fans will find out on 9/19/11.

Sharing a Dance

Robin and Barney cozy up in this wedding sneak peek. It's courtesy of the season seven premiere.

Barney at a Wedding

Go, Barney, go! The character gets his dance on in the season seven premiere of HIMYM.

Barney Stinson Photograph

What does the future hold for Barney? That's a question all How I Met Your Mother fans are pondering.

Stop, Ted!

Can Barney and Robin intervene successfully in Ted's relationship? They are sure gonna try!

Barney and Dad Picture

A picture of Barney with his father, Jerome (played by John Lithgow), from a scene from the How I Met Your Mother episode, "Hopeless."

The Barn Door

It's open, baby. It's ALWAYS open.

Barney vs. Father

Barney has a lot to go over with his father. Like what a basketball hoop is, for example.

Major HIMYM Guest Stars

Barney meets his father and his father's wife on the 3/21/11 episode of How I Met Your Mother. They are played by John Lithgow and Nancy Travis, respectively.

A Barney Vision

Barney has a vision in this scene from How I Met Your Mother. It's courtesy of the episode "A Change Of Heart."