Giving Lewis a Chance

Hmmm... what about Lewis? Marti must make a decision about him or Dan before she drives herself insane.

Giving Dan a Chance

Marti is seen here with Dan. She's conflicted when it comes to her feelings for him and her feelings for Lewis.

Back to the 80s

Vanessa and Marti go back to the 1980s for an anniversary party on the episode "Back of a Car." Very funny stuff.

Cheerleaders for Sale

How much would you pay for a Hellcat? There's a date auction, to raise funds, on the episode "The Match Game."


Marti wants to be a lawyer. But she'll have to become a great cheerleader in order to accomplish this goal.

Beauty with a Guitar

Marti has some skills. She shows what she can do with a guitar in this scene from "Nobody Loves Me But My Mother."

Line Dancing

Get down, Marti and Lewis! The pair bust a move in this photo from the third episode of Hellcats.

Marti with Mother

Marti's mother tries to offer encourage in this scene from Hellcats. Doesn't look like Marti wants to hear it, does it?

Case of Nerves

Marti looks nervous in this scene, doesn't she? Savannah and Alice are looking on.

Drink Up!

Marti has something to drink to in this photo. It's courtesy of the episode "I Say a Little Prayer."

Hellcats Pic

The Hellcats show off their skills on the show's season premiere. Marti is featured in this pilot episode scene.

Savannah and Marti

Savannah and Marti are pictured here during an early scene on Hellcats. It's courtesy of that show's first episode.

Hellcats Quotes

There is a scholarship for cheerleading? For being a football groupie?


You know what gets me through? Hope.
