Scheisskopf Faces Off Against Yossarian and Clevinger - Catch-22 Season 1 Episode 1

Lieutenant Scheisskopf (George Clooney) chews out his subordinates, caught in an endless loop of meaning and confusion.

Yossarian Carries His Belongings - Catch-22 Season 1 Episode 1

Yossarian (Christopher Abbott) walks through the camp, a man trapped in a seemingly endless wave of missions.

Cathcart Briefs the Bombers - Catch-22

Colonel Cathcart (Kyle Chandler), unafraid of raising the mission count, tells the men what's in store.

Scheisskopf Chews Out Yossarian and Clevinger - Catch-22

Scheisskopf (George Clooney) lays into Yossarian (Christopher Abbott) and Clevinger (Pico Alexander) over their behavior.

Catch-22 Season 1 Quotes

In his eyes... there's no life flashing before them or any of that. There's just terror.


Milo: When was the last time you had a strudel?
de Coverley: Not recently...