Julian is Tense - Dominion Season 2 Episode 2

Julian looks quite tense in this image, check out his fists. Is someone threatening him or the city?

Julian of New Delphi - Dominion Season 2 Episode 2

It appears those soldiers that captured our heroes in the premiere are Julian's men. Have Alex and Noma struck a deal with the leader of New Delphi?

Claire Befriends Zoe - Dominion

Claire Riesen chats with Zoe, a young woman sent to kill her. How much will she learn about Whele's plot to take over Vega?

William Returns to Vega - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Wait... did William return to Vega? How did he make it back after his father abandoned him in the desert? And what's his agenda this time around?

Claire Faces Civil War - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Though Claire has always tried to do right by Vega and its citizens, this season she faces a civil war. How far will David go to become Lord Of The City?

David's A Smooth Operator - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

David Whele is once again causing trouble in Vega. He has assembled a group of rebel allies intent on bringing Claire down.

Restoring Michael's Faith - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Is it possible the people of this idyllic town restore Michael's faith in humanity? Will his father make himself known?

The Mystery of Mallory - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Michael's faith in humanity had been shaken. This season, he wanders into a small town called Mallory, which appears untouched by the ongoing war with the angels. Is God protecting this mysterious place?

Gabriel and His Angels - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

The archangel Gabriel and his angels regroup. Judging from this image, his lair lies in ruins. What do you think went down? Is this when Alex manages to escape?

8-ball or Human? - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

That certainly doesn't look good. Did Alex run someone over with his jeep? More importantly, is this person human or an 8-ball?

Where is Michael? - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Where did Michael fly off to after his run in (and murder) of Becca? Can he forgive mankind for such a betrayal? Will he and Alex be reunited at some point? Or do he and his brother now see eye to eye?

Noma Protects Alex - Dominion Season 2 Episode 1

Noma, the Chosen One's angelic protector, will stay at his side throughout the journey ahead. Will Alex begin trusting her again? Is romance in their future, or does Claire still have his heart?

Dominion Quotes

Alex: That bomb changes everything.
Noma: We should head straight for Vega.
Alex: No, I'm not leading Gabriel back to Claire. New Delphi's half the distance, we'll go there.
Noma: New Delphi? Michael told me to stay away.
Alex: That's why we're going. If Michael's nervous about New Delphi there's a reason. They have an army, one I can help join Vega against Gabriel.

Alex: As long as you honor our deal, I'm here.
Gabriel: Maybe the deal was premature. Maybe sparing Claire, Vega, your unborn baby was too much to offer.
Alex: If you ever threaten them again, you can find someone else to help you with your daddy issues.
Gabriel: Finally, some life in the boy yet.