Sectional Champs!

New Directions has conquered sectionals! They celebrate the victory in this scene.

Mr. Schuester

For a guy that recently learned his wife was faking her pregnancy, Will Schuester looks very relaxed in this scene from the installment "Sectionals."

Quinn and the Cheerios

Quinn leads a couple of Cheerios in a routine from the episode "Sectionals." We're so nervous for New Directions!

New Directions Photo

New Directions gets ready for sectionals in this shot from the episode, aptly titled "Sectionals."


Mercedes likely has the best voice of anyone in New Directions. This is a shot of her from "Sectionals."

Stressed Over Sectionals

Rachel may dream of being a star, but she can't fight the stress over sectionals. It's understandable.

Sectionals Strategy

How will the club handle sectionals? Puck and Kurt ponder just this question.

Preparing to Dominate

The club prepares for sectionals in this scene. Aptly, it's from the episode "Sectionals."

Unhappy Singers

Artie, Puck and Mercedes have a good reason to be upset. They've been left out of the yearbook.

Rachel and Finn Photo

Rachel must be in cloud nine right now. She's seen here dancing with Finn.

Far From Gleeful

Why are Kurt and Quinn so peeved in this picture? Because they have been left out of the yearbook.

For a Commercial

The glee club has gone to the mattress. They film a local commercial in this scene from the show.

Glee Season 1 Quotes

You think this is hard? Try waterboarding. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor