The Bully of Halloween

Monroe teaches some neighborhood bullies a lesson on Halloween on Grimm. "La Llorona" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

An Unexpected Attack

Nick gets unexpectedly attacked as he works his latest case on Grimm. "The Other Side" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Hank & Nick On the Move

Hank and Nick are on the move as they investigate a gruesome murder on Grimm. "The Bottle Imp" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.

Monroe Is Warned

Angelina warns Monroe that his association with Nick may put him in danger on Grimm. "Over My Dead Body" is the sixth episode of the show's second season.

Monroe Works To Reconnect

Monroe works his contacts to reconnect with Juliette on Grimm. "The Good Shepherd" is the fifth episode of the show's second season.

Monroe & Rosalee Are Shocked

Monroe and Rosalee are shocked to fun into an infected creature on Grimm. "Quill" is the fourth episode of the show's second season.

Nick & Hank to the Rescue

Nick and Hank rescue a missing in girl in trouble on Grimm. "Bad Moon Rising" is the third episode of the show's second season.

Juliette Sleeps

New information about Juliette's condition come to light as time runs out on Grimm. "The Kiss" is the second episode of the show's second season.

Grimm Season 2 Premiere Pic

Pictured in this scene from Grimm Season 2: Bitsie Tulloch as Juliette Silverton, David Giuntoli as Nick Burkhardt.

Nick Is Shocked

Nick gets a shock he didn't see coming in the season final of Grimm. "Woman in Black" is the 22nd episode of the show's first season.

Monroe & Nick Are Shocked

Monroe and Nick are surprised by the circumstances involving a double homicide on Grimm. "Big Feet" is the 21st episode of the show's first season.

Nick Investigates a Death

Nick investigates the death of a wealthy woman on Grimm. "Happily Ever Aftermath" is the 20th episode of the show's 1st season.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
