Peter Ponders the Next Move - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

Peter ponders the group's next move. Where has the wicked Brother Michael run off to?
Rating: Unrated

Amy Remains Trapped - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

Amy remains trapped and forced to deal with her father, Brother Michael, and his twisted plans.
Rating: Unrated

Can Kyle Help the Sick? - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

It looks like the infected Olivia was hoping to save have started to succumb to the disease. Will Kyle and Alan develop an antidote in time?
Rating: Unrated

Jules of the Future - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

We will finally check back in with future Jules this week. Will she manage to locate Caleb and get her sword back?
Rating: Unrated

Jules on the Hunt - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

Has Jules discovered something, or someone, in this shot? Will she bash Caleb's head in with that crowbar?
Rating: Unrated

Will Alan Be Arrested? - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

Alan is wanted in connection to the Paris bombing. Will he be able to help stop this new outbreak or be arrested?
Rating: Unrated

Preparing to Leave St. Germaine - Helix Season 2 Episode 8

It looks like Kyle and Alan are preparing to leave St. Germaine. What will become of Brother Michael and his fellowship? Will he get away with "thinning" his flock? Tune in Friday, March 6 for all these answers and more!
Rating: Unrated

Kyle Discovers Something - Helix

Kyle discovers something while searching for a cure for the pathogen.
Rating: Unrated

Anne's Secret - Helix

Anne shares an Abbey secret with Peter on Helix Season 2 Episode 10.
Rating: Unrated

Sarah Awaits - Helix

Sarah awaits her baby's fate. Will Sister Amy carry the tiny immortal to term?
Rating: Unrated

Escaping the Island - Helix

Sarah and Kyle come up with a plan to escape the island, but the followers aren't going to let them go that easily.
Rating: Unrated

Kyle and Sarah Rescued - Helix

Kyle and Sarah wait patiently to be airlifted off the island.
Rating: Unrated

Helix Quotes

Major Sergio Balleseros: There are people in the Army, myself included, who are wondering if this outbreak was an accident.
Dr. Doreen Boyle: You think Hatake did this on purpose? Why would he do that?

Dr. Alan Farragut: This secure lab allows us to separate vectors from those who are just infected.
Daniel Aerov: Vectors?
Dr. Alan Farragut: It's what we're calling the infected who are physically attacking others to spread the disease, like Peter.