Winston Undercover

Winston assists Chance with a case on the episode "Rewind." It entails going undercover on an airplane.
Rating: Unrated

Handsome Hero

Chance infiltrates the Russian Embassy, during a black-tie gala, on the episode "Embassy Row." The handsome hero is seen here.
Rating: Unrated

Fancy Chance

You can certainly say this about Christopher Chance: the man cleans up very well, even when his life is at stake.
Rating: Unrated

Pat Down

Christopher is checked for weapons during this scene from the show's third episode. In it, he infiltrates the Russian Embassy.
Rating: Unrated

As a Human Target

Chance spring into action during this scene from "Embassy Row." It's the third-ever episode for Human Target.
Rating: Unrated

Vroom, Vroom!

Whether he's landing planes or driving motorcycles, Christopher Chance has one goal in mind: protect his client.
Rating: Unrated

As a Monk

Chance poses as a monk to stop thieves who are plotting to steal priceless religious artifacts from a remote monastery in the episode "Sanctuary."
Rating: Unrated

Fake Monk

Chance poses as a monk on the episode "Sanctuary." His goal? To precent thieves from stealing some artifacts.
Rating: Unrated

As Winston

We're huge fans of Chi McBride. He fits in well as Winston on Human Target.
Rating: Unrated

Sanctuary Scene

Christopher Chance as a monk? He somehow pulls that off in the Human Target episode "Sanctuary."
Rating: Unrated

From Lockdown

This is a photo from the Human Target episode "Lockdown." In it, Chance must save a computer genius.
Rating: Unrated

Taking a Chance

Chance must rescue a computer genius from a high-rise on the episode "Lockdown." He ponders that mission in this photo.
Rating: Unrated

Human Target Quotes

People have secrets and secrets are dangerous, so what are you keeping from me?

Christopher Chance

In 3 hours one way or another this thing is going to be over.

Christopher Chance