A Dark Night - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

It's night time and Xylda is STILL there. Doesn't she know when enough is enough?

Taking a Break - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Manfred has a lot to think about, and it doesn't seem like Xylda is giving him peace. Maybe if Xylda would give him a minute, he'd make a decision on what to do.

The Great Convincer - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Xylda won't stop talking until Manfred does what she wants, and she wants Manfred back in Midnight. How soon before he gives in?

Running Away - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Manfred has to come to his senses at some point. He has to realize running away doesn't solve anything. Midnight needs him. He has to turn back.

Xylda Has the Answers - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Is Xylda trying to convince Manfred to go back to Midnight?

Get Out! - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

The Rev looks in complete control as he commands something to get out of his church. Is fighting alone or are other Midnighters with him?

The Rev Prays - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

It looks like the Rev is looking to the Bible for answers. Will he be able to find what he's looking for to ward off the evil?

Holding Them Off - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

What kind of monster is the Rev fighting off? Will he be able to do it alone?

Warding Off a Demon - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

The Rev seems to attract all the crazies who come to town. Why do they always seem to visit him first?

The Rev Listens - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Bobo picked the right place to contemplate and talk. The Rev is a good listener, gives great advice and keeps things confidential.

Bobo Confesses - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Bobo has been having his own trials and tribulations lately. His family has a dark history and all he wants to do is shake it off him. Just because his family was a bunch of idiots doesn't mean he is.

Desperate Times - Midnight, Texas Season 1 Episode 8

Is Creek really planning on slitting her throat? We hope someone comes in soon to stop her from doing something horrible to herself.

Midnight, Texas Quotes

Olivia: Fiji, why aren't you jumping already?
Fiji: That's not what I was thinking. I was admiring his cooking techniques. And don't make that dirty.

Xylda: You'll be safe in Midnight.
Manfred: That would mean a whole lot more coming from someone who wasn't dead.