Ruby Looks For Help - Once Upon a Time

Ruby looks for help in finding Dorothy on Once Upon a Time. "Ruby Slippers" is the 18th episode of the show's fifth season.

Belle and Gaston - Once Upon a Time

In the past, Belle meets Gaston on Once Upon a Time. "Her Handsome Hero" is the 17th episode of the show's fifth season.

Regina and Robin Won't Be Happy - Once Upon a Time

Regina and Robin won't be happy when Zelena turns up in the Underworld on Once Upon a Time. "Our Decay" is the 16th episode of the show's fifth season.

Toasting His Brother - Once Upon a Time

Killian finds his brother, Liam in the Underworld but will he help them get home on Once Upon a Time? "The Brothers Jones" is the 15th episode of the show's fifth season.

Sad Hook - Once Upon a Time

Poor Hook. As you can see in this Once Upon a Time scene, the guy has seen much better days.

A Captive Hook - Once Upon a Time

Hook is held captive in this scene from Once Upon a Time. But he is refusing to help Hades.

Mary Margaret's Friend - Once Upon a Time

A friend of Mary Margaret's helps the group search for Hook on Once Upon a Time. "Labor of Love" is the 13th episode of the show's fifth season.

Crashing the Party - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 12

Will the Evil Queen crash their party? As much as we love Regina and how far she's come, it's hard not to miss the Evil Queen's epic wardrobe.

Grumpy Looks Happy - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 12

Even Grumpy seems very happy with their get together and the large mug of ale he's got in his hand.

A Party Going On - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 12

But back in the Enchanted Forest of the past, there seems to be a party going on as the dwarves have fun with Prince Charming and Snow White.

Who Will Mr. Gold Find? - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 12

Who will Mr. Gold find waiting for him in the Underworld. We can't imagine he has many friends there.

Cora Looks Thrilled - Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 12

Cora looks thrilled to see her daughter once again, even if they are meeting up in the Underworld.

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Quotes

If you're dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest.


Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that but Emma. She knows how we beat bad guys. Heck, she beat most of them for us.
