Huck's Loyalties

With a new Command, where will Huck's loyalties truly lie, with Jake or Olivia on Scandal?
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We Knew He Was Handsome

We always knew Jake was handsome but little did we know he was destined for power. Meet the new Command at B-613.
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Looking Out For Olivia

Will Jake continue to look out for Olivia now that he's taken her father out of power at B-613?
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So Put Together

Harrison always looks so put together. We really hope to see more of him in the second half of Scandal season 3.
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What Would He Think?

What would Harrison think if he found out what's been going on with Quinn and how Huck responded?
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A Smiling President

What could be making Fitz so happy? Is it knowing that Jake is now Command or is he hoping for a future with Olivia on Scandal?
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Fitz Has a Lot on His Mind

Perhaps Fitz knows his kids are coming to town. We're guessing they'll bring even more drama into his life on Scandal.
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Mellie in Red

Red is the perfect power color for the First Lady. Can you picture Mellie as president some day on Scandal?
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Love Her or Hate Her

Some love her, some hate her. Either way we certainly wouldn't get in Mellie's way. Scandal returns Thursday, Feb. 27th on ABC.
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In Bed with B-613

Quinn's now in bed with Charlie, literally. How much intel will she give him on her fellow Gladiators on Scandal?
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Baby Huck

They don't call her baby Huck for nothing but has Quinn gone too far on Scandal?
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Scandal Cast Pic

The cast of Scandal gathers here for a promotional photo. The show is anchored by Kerry Washington as a PR guru.
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