Dad's not looking - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Even if Valentine was looking, I don't think Clary and Jace would care. How is this alternate world any different from the real world with these two?

That hair - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Who's got the better hair? Clary's hair is always perfect, but Jace's hair looks pretty good slicked down like that. Aren't they the cutest?

I hope he likes me - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Goofy Jace. Goofy, goofy Jace. Nothing like meeting dad for the first time.

Daddy dearest - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Like any good father, dad is checking up on his baby girl. He is definitely more than interested in meeting this character she showed up with.

Freaky deaky - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Awww. How sweet. Jocelyn and Valentine look so happy together.

The Mad Hatter - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 10

Valentine and Jocelyn look like they're having a great time at this "Alice in Wonderland"-themed party. Is it supposed to be some sort of inside joke that Valentine is the "Mad Hatter?"

Slip in...slip out - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

Jace isn't the type of guy that is going to sit around and let other people dictate how things should go. It looks like he's going to take things into his own hands.

Devastation - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

Izzy and Jace can't believe what they're seeing. What is the Clave up to, and how can they stop the insanity?

Sneaking a peek - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

Meliorn seems to be taking a peek at his one-time love, Izzy. Either that or he's planning his escape route. I bet he wishes he never got involved with the seductive and beautiful Isabelle Lightwood.

Never trust a seelie - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

Maybe Meliorn should turn that around and say, never trust a shadowhunter. What could he have done to get himself in this position?

Away he goes - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

Things don't look too good for Meliorn right now with Alec and Lydia in the lead. Will Izzy break the rules and help her former lover?

Hello, I'm... - Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 9

I'm sure there are a lot of words Izzy and Jace would like to fill in here. Will Jace shake Lydia's hand? Will he punch Alec for being such a jerk?

Shadowhunters Season 1 Quotes

It's your 18th birthday. Everything's going to change for you now.


Clary: Simon, how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you?
Simon: I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perceptive person to make that mistake.