Commander Lexa - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

Lexa's decision against retaliation at the end of "Hakeldama" was a huge, game-changing moment. How will her people take it? Hopefully, the power of her command (and how much her people love her) will out weight the Grounders' thirst for vengeance.

Clexa Discussion - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

This looks a little bit intense. After all of the positive growth these two have seen in their relationship over the past two weeks, we're really hoping this discussion doesn't turn into a disagreement over how to proceed in dealing with the rebellious Sky People.

In the Throne Room - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

Lexa and Clarke are chatting in the throne room, watched over by Titus. Is anybody else getting distinctly bad vibes from this dude?

Plotting with ALIE - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

It's still unclear how much of Jaha's current mission is him having "seen the light" (pun intended) and how much of it is brainwashing by ALIE. It seems like her purpose is nefarious, but we still have no confirmation of what exactly that purpose is.

Abby and Jaha Face Off - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

These two have come a long way since the days on the Ark, when Jaha was a calm and relatively level-headed Chancellor. We can't imagine that Abby is taking Jaha's attempts to recruit their people for the City of Light sitting down. Looks like things are gearing up for an Abby/Jaha showdown.

Abby Is Suspicious - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

With all of the Pike nonsense going on, we can't imagine Abby has much patience for dealing with Jaha's crazy ramblings about life without pain and the City of Light. She looks totally over it.

Abby Questions Jaha- The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

Abby seems suspicious of Jaha's conversion, and with good reason. It's still unclear what Jaha and ALIE are up to, but all the secrecy has us inclined to believe it isn't anything good. Poor Jasper, meanwhile, will all too likely be eager to accept Jaha's offer of a pain-free existence in the City of Light.

Jaha Passing Out ALIE Chips - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

This visual is extremely religious in nature. Jaha is handing out the City of Light chips on ALIE's behalf to a group of Sky People. Clearly, after they successfully converted Raven, many more are following in her footsteps. Uh oh.

Miller and Bryan Having A Moment - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

We haven't seen much of Miller's boyfriend Bryan since it was discovered that Farm Station survived the crash, let alone much of Miller and Bryan being reunited. Unfortunately, it looks like there's a tense moment between the two upcoming in "Bitter Harvest." Could Bryan have thrown in with Pike, creating tension with his boyfriend? We hope not.

Kane Talks to Bellamy - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

Kane is talking to Bellamy, and most likely making him feel bad about his poor choices as of late. You tell him, Kane!!

Bellamy Near A Truck - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

It appears that Bellamy is preparing for some kind of errand that involves a truck. It's probably something to do with an errand for Pike, as Pike continues on with his plans for creating a self-sustaining, enclosed Arkadia... though we wish Bellamy wasn't going along with Pike's madness.

Clarke and Lexa Meet With Titus - The 100 Season 3 Episode 6

Clarke and Lexa meet with Titus in the throne room. Perhaps they are discussing strategy, following Lexa's decision to take Clarke's advice and avoid retaliating for Pike's massacre.

The 100 Season 3 Quotes

Abby: He's come a long way.
Kane: It's a work in progress.

Eighty-six days. On my last box of food, so... Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much but, anyway. Jaha, if you're seeing this that would indeed mean you are not dead, so SCREW YOU!
