Seeking Votes - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Voiello seeks support from the friends in his faction, but he finally convinces them to make the right choice.

Francis - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Francis has lots of ideas in mind on how to change the Vatican for the better - but none of them are in the best interests of his brethren.

Hernandez or Voiello - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Cardinal Hernandez is the spitting image of Cardinal Voiello - except he doesn't have the mole. Which one will become pope?

Praying for Lenny - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Lenny has many followers and devotees who want him to return to his papacy, but they're going to be praying for a long time.

Voiello - Man of God - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Cardinal Voiello isn't the upstanding man of God he's supposed to be. Everyone knows it - including himself.

Lenny is Out of the Game - The New Pope Season 1 Episode 1

Now that Lenny is out of the game and in a coma, Voiello must figure out a way to become Pope himself.

In a Coma

Lenny is recovering from a heart attack while the Vatican is in disarray trying to figure out what to do.

New Pope Photo

This is the key art for the new HBO series continuation of The Young Pope called The new Pope.