Chet misses Quinn, but he chose easy. - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

Chet is so turned on after Quinn's power play with Gary. He misses Quinn. Quinn knows. But "you chose easy,"

Rachel warns Charlie - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

Rachel overhears Jeremy tell Charlie the show's all a setup. Rachel: " I'd stay away from that if I was you!"

Serena to Jasper: You Lost! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

I know all about the bet. Guess what? You lost! I slept with the jockey night 1!

Jasper beds Serena - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

But was he the first? He has 400K riding on this lovemaking! He's in for quite a surprise, isn't he?!

Quinn celebrates! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

Team Victory! To Passport To Dance! To Jay's first TV Show! To getting Gary good!!

DR. Simon caught in the RG vortex? - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

Dr. Simon approaches Jeremy about Rachel. Jeremy thinks the doc is simply her latest victim.

Quinn and Madison take Gary down! - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 5

Quinn and Madison clebrate their victory! A genius blindside by Quinn and her mini-er me!

Jay makes a deal with Alexi - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 4

Jay: I'll make you a deal. I'll get you more blow... If you host Passport to Dance. Alexi takes the DEAL!

Jeremy makes out with Charlie - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 4

Yay! Jeremy takes Chet's advice. Replaces the taste of crazy with the taste of Charlie. It's a relief see him move on, however temporary it might be. Charlie, you can have him!

Madison man bun discovery - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 4

Madison finds the snipped off Man Bun! Oh my god it's a tragedy! No, it's television gold!

It's Bunghazi - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 4

The men out in the jungle. Who's guilty of the crime? Who's gonna take the fall? Bunghazi!

Rachel crawls into Quinn's lap - UnREAL Season 3 Episode 4

The reveal that Rachel's dad knew about the rape, sends her crawling back to Quinn. Right into her lap.

UnREAL Quotes

Welcome back to reality, Rachel.


8 weeks if you're lucky, one night if not.
