Wall of Clues - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 3

The investigation of the missing girls has lead Tandy, Tyrone, and Brigid to a detailed wall of clues.

The Search - Tall - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 3

With a wide open city, Tandy, Tyrone, and Brigid have a lot of ground to cover if they want to find Mayhem.

Night Out - Tall - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 1

Tandy and Tyrone look like their taking a break from life to enjoy some time at a club. But, we know that there has to be a bigger reason for this trip.

Wanted Man - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 1

Tyrone has stayed on the run after being framed for Fuchs' murder. Will he find a way to clear his name?

VHS - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 1

How long has it been since they've seen a VHS player? Tyrone must've pulled this from storage somewhere.

Movie Night - Cloak and Dagger Season 2 Episode 1

Tyrone and Tandy are embracing their friendship with a quiet night in. What are they watching on the projector?

Night Out - Cloak and Dagger

Could this be a fun night for the dynamic duo? They haven't really explored their friendship during all of the chaos.

Dressed For Success - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 10

The power of the cloak gives Tyrone the confidence he needs to access his powers and teleport around the city.

Floats - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 10

The party is a great setting to evade the police. There are people everywhere and a celebration to hide within if things get too hairy.

Mardi Gras - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 10

New Orleans is in the throws of a Mardi Gras celebration. The town is completely unaware of the danger heading their way.

Runaway - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 10

Tyrone is doing whatever it takes to not be found by the police. Will he successfully evade their search?

Arrested - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 10

Uh oh! It looks like the police officers have found Tyrone in New Orleans. Could his life be in danger?

Aubrey Joseph Quotes

So, um, I’m not sure if you can hear me. I could just be talking to nothing. What’s happening to me? Are you doing this? Because... I don’t understand and I can’t control it. I can’t control myself. You always had the answers. You knew what to do. What should I do? Tell me and I’ll do it. I miss you so much. I’m trying to be like you but... I’m failing and... I’m flailing. I’m cursed.


Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!