Bad News - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 16

After everything bad that happened in her life, Veronica is faced with yet another hurdle. She's about to hear some devastating news. What could it be?

Cast Lineup - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 16

The cast of Heathers The Musical lineup for one of their big numbers. Could this be "Seventeen" or "Beautiful"?

Heathers The Musical - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 16

Bring out the croquet mallets and grab your best plaid skirt, the gang at Riverdale High will be performing in Heathers The Musical.

The Heathers - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 16

Heather Duke, Heather Chandler, and Heather McNamara rule the halls of Westerberg High. At least, that's what happens in the Heathers musical.

Deadly Secret - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 15

There are no secrets between best friends. Veronica is ready to share a damaging and dangerous secret to Betty.

Place To Stay - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 15

Betty needs a place to stay after her mother sold their home, and she set it on fire. Could she be staying with her bestie Veronica?

Gladys' Motives - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 14

What has truly brought Gladys to Riverdale? She's making all the right moves to push herself forward, but she's hiding a secret.

Breaking Free - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 14

Veronica is tired of being trapped under Hiram's and Glady's thumbs. She's going to make a plan to break free from their control.

Breaking Free - Tall - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 14

Veronica is tired of being trapped under Hiram's and Gladys' thumbs. She's going to make a plan to break free from their control.

Fizzle Rocks Payments - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 14

Veronica and Reggie owe a lot of money to some very dangerous people. They need to cash in and pay their debts before they can have a happy life together.

Surprise Party - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 10

With Archie's big return to Riverdale, the gang is throwing a special surprise party at La Bonne Nuit.

Varchie Reunion - Riverdale Season 3 Episode 10

Going on the run and Hiram drama will no longer keep Veronica and Archie apart. But will their big reunion be paradise?

Camila Mendes Quotes

Veronica: I'm filled with dread.
Archie: Why's that?
Veronica: Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I'm "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but this place is strictly "In Cold Blood."

What is a "Chock'lit Shoppe" and why does it sell burgers?!
