Lonely Girl - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 3

Why is Tandy standing alone in the middle of the woods? Does this have something to do with the glass room?

Reconnection - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 1

Tyrone and Tandy haven't seen each other in years since that fateful day on the beach. However, they've always been curious about what happened to each other.

Marvel's Cloak & Dagger - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 1

Aubrey Joseph and Olivia Holt star as the titular superhero characters, Cloak and Dagger, in Freeform's new Marvel series.

Bright Light - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 1

Tandy (aka. Dagger) experiences her first reaction to the powerful light emanating from her hand in the graveyard.

Night At The Ballet - Cloak and Dagger Season 1 Episode 1

Rebellious Tandy has taken on a new look for the night instead of her standard hoodie. She's playing the part at the ballet.

Olivia Holt Quotes

Tandy: My opinion and my experience: It’s dangerous to get close to anyone. But with you, I’m conclusively right. When we touch, s*** goes boom.
[Tandy starts moving forward]
Tandy: So, the first question is: How close can we get to each other without triggering our crazy?
Tyrone: And how are you gonna do that?
Tandy: Close your eyes. Don’t move. And no cheating.
[They reach for each other, hands glowing. They touch and go flying across the room]
Tyrone: That was…
Tandy: WHAT?!
Tyrone: That was… nice, at first.

Tandy: Are you trying to kill me?
Tyrone: No! Why would you ask that?!
Tandy: Because you have a gun in your hand.
[Awkward silence]
Tandy: Wait, you’re that kid...from the party. The graveyard. The beach. You shot at me!
Tyrone: That wasn’t meant for you.
Tandy: Then who was it meant for?!