Is Kensi ready to return to the field?

Is Kensi ready to be back in the field with Deeks?

What shocked you the most from "Turn, Turn, Turn"?

What reveal shocked you the most?

Should Heather have gotten involved in Aviva and Carole's fight?

Should Heather have gotten involved in Aviva and Carole's argument?

Will Ava Turn Against Boyd?

Will Ava turn against Boyd?

What should be done about Delilah?

Delilah deliberately defied her boss and took her suspicions to NCIS. Not only did she defy her superior, she took intelligence out to...

Do you want to see a Battlestar Galactica movie?

A Battlestar Galactica movie is reportedly in the works. Would you go see it?

Is Grayson Going To Go Red Hawk?

After getting dumped by Emery for an Atrian, Grayson found out that he was maybe drugged and kidnapped by Drake, Zoe, and Roman. Will he...

Will Eva Suck Julia Into Her Plan?

Young teacher Eva figure out that Julia was cured using Cyper in her blood. Now she will go to any lengths to get Julia to help her. Will...

Would you smoke marijuana to help with cancer treatments?

Would you smoke marijuana to help with cancer treatments?

Will Claire survive The Following Season 2?

Will Claire survive The Following Season 2?

Do you think Sue Ellen will get sober at Southfork?

Will Sue Ellen be able to get sober while staying at Soutfork?