Chuck, I'm very sorry. I lost my temper and I did some things, so many things that I regret. I shouldn't have broken down your door. Doesn't matter how I was provoked, I shouldn't have done that. There's no excuse for that, or for the things that I said. I regret it all, all of it, more than you can imagine. Because, you're my brother, and no one should treat his own brother like that. Ever.


Gus: Perhaps, in the future, you will consider working for me.
Mike: Could be. That would depend on the work.
Gus: Would you care to know why I stopped you from killing Hector?
Mike: I said it wasn't in your interest.
Gus: A bullet to the head would have been far too humane.

Nice to fix something for once.

Mike [to Jimmy]

Gus: May I ask, did Don Eladio approve this?
Hector: I approved this. You are doing it.

Mike: You care to elaborate?
Gus: It is not in my interest for Hector Salamanca to die-at THIS time.
Mike: Who is he to you?
Gus: An associate of an associate.
Mike: How very specific.
Gus: Who is he to you?
Mike: We had a disagreement. He threatened my family. I'm not gonna let that go.
Gus: But, you had let it go-you'd taken his money. Your family was no longer in danger. And yet, still, you robbed his truck. Shouldn't that have settled the matter? Most men would have walked away. But, instead, you made an attempt on his life. Why? I understand that a civilian found the driver after you robbed the truck. Hector murdered this civilian, correct?
Mike: He wasn't in the game.
Gus: I can't allow you to kill Hector. However, I am not completely unsympathetic to your sense of justice. You hurt Hector when you robbed that truck-you hurt his business, his pride. Quite effectively. And, if you were to hurt him in the same manner again, I would not stand in your way.
Mike: You want me to rob another truck.
Gus: If you feel so inclined.
Mike: I'm done with that.
Gus: Then our business here is finished.
Mike: That's it?
Gus: That's it.
Mike: No more tracker, no more of your minions following me, just like that?
Gus: Just like that. Of course, I trust you are done with Hector Salamanca. Goodbye, Mr. Ehrmantraut.
Mike: Wait. You want his truck hit because you want to disrupt his supply line. Hector's your competition.
Gus: Why do you ask?
Mike: Because I'm not done with Hector Salamanca.

Kim: What's his game?
Jimmy: One condition of the PPD is that my written confession is immediately submitted to the New Mexico Bar Association.
Kim: Your written felony confession.
Jimmy: Yeah, I thought that he wanted me in jail. He just wants my law license.

Chuck: I'm curious about your strategy.
Ms. Hay: Well, as officers of the court, I feel we should be held to a higher standard. I don't intend to take it easy on your brother just because he's a lawyer.

Jimmy: Chuck played me like a fiddle, and schmuck that I am, I fell for it. Moron! I'm sorry. This is my screw up. It's my responsibility to fix it, and I know you want to help, of course you do, cause you're wonderful, but you're up to your ears in Mesa Verde. And I can't, I won't load this onto you, too. I will fix this. Myself, me, Jimmy McGill., OK? You have got to let me do this on my own.
Kim: OK.

Here's what's gonna happen. One day you're gonna get sick, again. And one of your employees is gonna find you, curled up in that space blanket-take you to the hospital. Hook you up to those machines that beep and whir, and hurt. And this time it will be too much, and you will die there. Alone.

Jimmy [to Chuck]

For this you destroyed our family? Are you happy now? For what? For nothing!

Jimmy [to Chuck]

Kim: Jimmy, there's a tape.
Jimmy: What?
Kim: There's a tape recording of you talking to Chuck.

Jimmy: Hey, who's got your back? Me, that's who.
Mike: I'll keep that in mind.

Better Call Saul Season 3 Quotes

Chuck: Jimmy, you do realize you just confessed to a felony?
Jimmy: I guess. But you feel better, right? Besides, it's your word against mine.

Say nothing, you understand? Get a lawyer-get a lawyer!
