Valdez: When it comes to Jaffar, I need more evidence.
Stone: Because he's Muslim?
Valdez: No. Because we indicted someone else.

O'Boyle: When it comes to Muslims, we're all a tad racist.
Stone: That's painting with a broad brush.
O'Boyle: Think about it. A white kid goes into a church in Charleston, shoots up a black Bible study. Blows 'em all away. What do we do about it? We ban the Confederate flag. A Muslim goes into a nightclub in Orlando, shoots 49 partygoers and what do we do? We admonish each other not to blame the entire religion. We're all naturally racist, but we feel guilty about it.

Americans always complain that moderate Muslims do nothing, but when we do we aren't taken seriously. Like the Orlando shooter. The FBI knew he was dangerous. His first wife as much as told them so. But they did nothing. I did something. I was a good American and I killed him.


O'Boyle: You look like you don't get much sunlight.
Stone: Your honor, I insist you admonish Mr. O'Rourke for making light of the witness' religious customs.
O'Boyle: Making light... that's very funny.
Judge: Mr. O'Boyle, what is the point you are trying to make?
O'Boyle: I'm getting there, your Honor.
Judge: Get there quickly.
O'Rourke: Ms. Radiq, are you aware that sunlight is the main source of Vitamin ?
Witness: No, I was not.
O'Boyle: Are you aware that women who wear the macab are at risk for chronic vitamin D deficiencies, which if left untreated can cause all sorts of serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes? Do you have diabetes?
Witness: Yes.
O'Boyle: And one of the effects of diabetes is gradual loss of vision, is it not?

Valdez: The tape with his Muslim girlfriend is time stamped 12:33. Before that, he was with his buddies from 9 to 11.
Stone: It still leaves a gap.
Valdez: So he murders someone and then makes a sex tape with his girlfriend?
Stone: I once knew a guy whose bookie cut off his arm and he went out like nothing happened.
Valdez: Yeah, but that was about money. This is about... I don't know what.

Addie: I'm sure that Byron didn't kill Danny.
Antonio: Because he read the Quran?
Addie: Because he was with me. All night.
Antonio: He's about to go on trial for murder. You didn't think to tell someone?
Addie: My father doesn't know about Byron and me.

Laura: His brother was killed in Kabul. There's our motive.
Antonio: You've seen one Muslim...
Laura: I'm not saying that I agree with those assholes out there, but we do seem to go out of our way to make them comfortable.

Mother: Danny was a scholar. He was studying for his PhD in physics.
Stone: I know how difficult this has to be for you.
Mother: Usually we walked him to the bus stop. But I was too tired -
Father: They know this already.
Mother: And you had your game.
[Byron comes over]
Byron: Mr. and Mrs. Moseri, I'm so sorry about what happened to Danny.
Father: Get away from me!
Byron: Dude! I'm just trying to tell you, I didn't kill your son.

Robinette: Have you ever been arrested?
Stone: Objection. Relevance.
Robinette: Goes to credibility, your Honor.
Judge: I'll allow it.
Witness: No, I have never been arrested.
Robinette: Has anyone in your family ever been arrested?
Stone: Objection!
Judge: Overruled.
Witness: Yes. My brother James. He was on the El.
Robinette: What was your brother James doing on the El?
Witness: They said he was disturbing the peace. His teacher had given him a ticket to United to see the Bulls. I guess a black man sitting on the El disturbed some people.

Atwater: You want me to say it's okay, you tried your best, Antonio? Nothing makes this okay. I got a badge, I'm guilty. Simple as that.
Antonio: You don't know that.
Atwater: I saw a black woman get up and testify against me today, looking at me like I turned my back on my people. My people whose history includes fire hoses being turned against them, being shut out of restaurants and schools, being lynched. This isn't what I became a cop for.

He's just a guy, you know? Worse than some, better than most. So tell me, what kind of prick goes out of his way to ruin a good person's life like that?


Valdez: Grand jury just indicted Kevin Atwater on one count of first degree murder.
Stone: What about the others involved?
Valdez: Nothing.
Jeffries: I want an arrest warrant issued for Kevin Atwater within the hour.
Stone: I'm sure Atwater will surrender himself.
Jeffries: That's not your problem. Your problem is figuring out what to do about the reasonable doubt you just handed Paul Robinette.

Chicago Justice Season 1 Quotes

Antonio: Did he confess, Al?
Olinsky: The son of a bitch killed Lexi.

Enormous tragedies make career cases. You win this one, it could make your career. You lose, it could destroy mine.
