Elias: Pick a game. Dice, roulette, cards. You win, the tracker is yours. I win, you die.
Chuck: Do you have UNO?

Sarah: Why didn't you tell us that Elias hates you?
Volkoff: Everyone hates me. I accept that.

I'm not interested in how the world can serve me anymore. I'm interested in how I can serve my fellow man.


It's true. I cut in front of William in the cafeteria line.


No matter how much you believe in this broad, remember she's still a Volkoff.


Sarah: You didn't shower?
Chuck: Just the body. Not the hair. So now I feel dirty, smelly, European.

You know I love babysitting my granddaughter, but I'm a trained spy. What gives?


Jeff: If you love something, let it go. And if it comes back, you can eat it.
Lester: He lives by a strange philosophy of karma and diet.

Casey: Lewis is the killer.
Chuck: Seriously? He was my second choice.

Lester: Did you feel that?
Jeff: I haven't felt anything in years.

I still don't trust and American operative with a British accent!


Sarah: You did steal her job. You're her nemesis.
Chuck: I hate being a nemesis. Maybe I should take her out to coffee.

Chuck Season 4 Quotes

This is not the opening of a tv show. This is real life.


I can't believe this was under your house. This is nuts. A secret spy base and it's got lasers and gadgets...and neatly organized files.


Chuck Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Howlin' For You Black Keys iTunes
We're Here To Save The Day The Constellations iTunes
In Response Peter Wolf Crier iTunes