Will you do an ultrasound first? I want to make sure the cargo's safe before you check out the plane.

Dr. Carla Nevin

Congrats on the baby. Bummer about the cancer.

Dr. Gina Perello

Dr. Rollie Guthrie: So what's going on?
Dr. Carla Niven: Passed out in a store. Some do-gooder called 911.
Dr. Gina Perello: Oh, I hate the do-gooders. California's full of them. That and kale.

I had to save a woman from a burning car. That's right, deal with it.

Dr. Mario Savetti

Dr. Cole Guthrie: I don't need a father-and-son talk from you.
Dr. Rollie Guthrie: This isn't a father-and-son talk. This is a senior faculty member telling a new attending that his behavior is unacceptable.

You're the one that said that every resident is a lock, and you just have to find the right combination.

Dr. Leanne Rorish [to Dr. Neal Hudson]

Jesse Salandar: Before I'm dead, there's something I've got to tell you.
Dr. Leanne Rorish: Shut up, you're not dead.
Jesse Salandar: Neither are you.

Yell at me again, I'm gonna put you over my knee.

Isabel Mendez [to Dr. Mario Savetti]

Sir we're going to give you a chemically induced time out.

Dr. Rollie Guthrie

I need you to say something motivational, get the people back to work. I would, but coming from me, it might seem like I'm a cold, unfeeling bitch.

Dr. Gina Perello

Dr. Leanne Rorish: I'm just curious as to why.
Dr. Cole Guthrie: Why I asked you out?
Dr. Leanne Rorish: Why you thought I'd say yes.
Dr. Cole Guthrie: Well, you don't ask someone out because you think they'll say yes. You ask someone out because you are interested.

Dr. Gina Perello: He should probably be more concerned with his prison wife. [beat] What?
Dr. Mark Taylor: I just feel like I'm looking in a circus mirror.

Code Black Season 1 Quotes

Life Lesson. When asked if you want to examine your patient some more, it's like being asked if you want a breath mint. The answer is always yes.

Jesse Salandar

We're not their friend, their family, or their shrink. We're their doctor. He gets confused.

Dr. Leanne Rorish