You know, you can screw the doctors and they can screw you too for all I care but leave my nurses alone.


Rebecca: I thought that stuff went out with the ice age.
Tarzi: Never too old for a comeback.

Rebecca: That's certainly not in the manual.
Bobby: Tarzi wrote his own manual.

I would have done the same thing as you. I just wouldn't have let him catch me.


Would you mind not passing notes during rounds, it's distracting.


I like the constant reminder that we're in a war zone.


The US Army used to call this the Ready Room. I haven't been able to come up with another name.


Rebecca: I know what a combat landing is. I read the manual.
Flight crew: Did the manual say many of our passengers throw up?

Rebecca: You were right. Nothing prepared me for this place.
Marks: What can I say. Welcome to Kandahar.

Combat Hospital Season 1 Quotes

Rebecca: I know what a combat landing is. I read the manual.
Flight crew: Did the manual say many of our passengers throw up?

Rebecca: You were right. Nothing prepared me for this place.
Marks: What can I say. Welcome to Kandahar.