In the land of predators, a lion never fears the jackal.

(voice over) It seems ironic that I, an expert on human dismemberment, have to pay $800 to have myself virtually dissected.

(voice-over) Role playing; such an important part of growing up. When we were kids whatever role Deb assigned me, evil monster, treacherous Nazi, horrible alien, I played them to perfection.

Being a father and being a husband are two very different things.


(voice over) Real. How do you show someone real love when you don't even know what it feels like?

(Voice over)To be a brother. To have a friend. To have a wife, a family. Fiona wanted it so bad she invented it, played all the parts herself. But if you play a role long enough, really commit, does it ever become real? Could I become real?...

(voice over) There are many ways to stop the heart, electric shock, bad diet, sever the aorta, my personal favorite, but to start one beating, this is a first.

Dexter: My dad used to say "be careful what you think you know about someone; you're probably wrong."
Miguel: Smart man.
Dexter: Sometimes.

Deb: The wedding band has to match the engagement ring, so what does that look like?
Dexter: She said she didn't want one.
Deb: Oh my god, you just get dumber every day! How do you survive in this world? Of course she wants one!
Dexter: How am I supposed to know that?
Deb: You are such a Y-chromosome cliché! Just buy her a beautiful, romantic, 'I love you with all of my heart' fucking engagement ring. And Dex, size matters!

It's said that everything is connected to everything. The butterfly effect. You drop a pebble into a pond and the ripples radiate outwards touching and effecting everything. Until finally a fish grows arms and legs and crawls out of the water...and picks up a rock and smashes the next two fish over the head...and we have the first serial killer.

Your victim was smothered. That's not opinion. That's science and science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14-inch strap-on.


Deb: (excitedly) A baby? a motherfucking rolly-poly, chubby cheeked shit machine? Are you kidding me?
Dexter: I've never heard it described in quite those words before, but yeah.

Dexter Season 3 Quotes

Masuka: Step away from the incense. This is America, buddy. Freedom of religion.
Dexter: I didn't realize you were a Buddhist, Vince. Japanese are traditionally Shinto.
Masuka: Are we? Oh, whatever. I borrowed this shit off my manicurist. I need all the luck I can get. Got a crucifix up there, too.
Dexter: 'Cause it did so much for Jesus?

Dexter: First you drained her of her self-respect and hope, and last Sunday you choked the life out of her.
Freebo: No. No, Sunday, I was getting high with Sherry..... or Kerry. She's a...she's a...she's a...
(Dexter shoves gauze in Freebo's mouth.)
Dexter: You seem uncertain. It's uncomfortable, isn't it? Just when you think you've answered all the questions, another one smacks you in the face. Life, life, life. Life is just like that. Which is why I prefer death.