Castle Guard: Are you my new mistress?
Dorothy: Yes. Yes, I am. I am your new mistress.

I came here in a tornado. Maybe I can leave in one.


Whatever happened, we'll fix it. We'll turn you back to you.


Dorothy: You shouldn't have that.
Lucas: I don't think anyone should.
Dorothy: Give it to me.
Lucas: What's it called?
Dorothy: A gun.

It's me, Jack. Something's happened.


Ojo: Your Toto looks hungry.
Dorothy: My Toto?
Ojo: Toto is "dog" in our language.

Why is it I get the feeling when I stop playing, I'm going to be given some horrible news?

The Wizard

Only a witch can kill a witch.


Do you really want to know what I wish for? I wish there was more.


So, I have a not-witch whose potions raise the dead, and a not-Wizard's guard who carries their sword. What else are you not?


The Wizard: Witches.
Isabel: You may have outlawed their magic, but your people still love them.
The Wizard: 'Cause the don't know them.

I woke up with the strangest taste in my mouth...YOU!

The Wicked Witch of the East

Emerald City Season 1 Quotes

Do you really want to know what I wish for? I wish there was more.


Aunt Em: Dorothy, she's your mother.
Dorothy: You're my mother.