Drama: What's disgusting is the only reason a guy should be forced to spoon a girl is if he's allowed to fuck her first.
Turtle: Or at least if she promises she'll fuck him later

Vince: Who uses the word, snuggle?
Turtle: E and E.
Drama: Men spoon. Women snuggle

Vince: Besides the fact the L.A. Times compared me to Terrell Owens, I'm doing great.
Eric: You hear that, Ari?
Ari: The Eagles got rid of T.O. and look where they landed. Aquaman 2 is going to make Speed 2 look like Citizen Fucking Kane

I get hard thinking about the fact that you actually like me E


Ah, the girls from Wisteria Lane. Which one of you is hiding a large black man in your basement?


Vince: Did E fall in love during a threesome?
Turtle: If anyone could do it, it's E.
Drama: You're like a chick. I mean the guy cannot have unemotional sex.
Eric: I didn't have sex.
Drama: Whatever. You can't whack off without weeping

Drama: Freud says there are no accidents.
Eric: You guys crossed swords during your threesome. Accident?

Turtle: It could be fun, Vince. Like that time you got auctioned off at the Feed the World event.
Vince: Jesus, remember that Cuban guy who bought me and wanted me to come live with him in Havana?
Drama: The guy never sent me those cuban cigars he promised. I should call.
Turtle: Yeah, ask him if he knows any good lefties for the Yank's bullpen while you're at it.

Vince: What? Apologize? For Snuggling her?
Eric: For invading her space ... I don't know.
Drama: You're a sensitive guy E, it's kinda queer

Drama: She ran from you like a chicken with a bad cough.
Eric: What the hell does that mean?
Drama: It's an avian flu reference

From snuggler to stalker. Sounds like an M.O.W.


Terrance: Ari, you look a little haggard. Everything all right?
Ari: It's called aging, Terrance. Not everyone can stay young by sucking the blood of their employees

Entourage Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Terrance: Ari, you look a little haggard. Everything all right?
Ari: It's called aging, Terrance. Not everyone can stay young by sucking the blood of their employees

Lunch is on me provided that, Joyce, you still have your stomach stapled
