I didn't think I could do it. Part of me thought, what if I had this baby and just die? And then she arrived, and I saw her face, and I saw him in her. She's beautiful.


Every man I've ever loved has died, including my baby. So thank you, universe.


Hey, it was a good effort, but the only thing that bird is stuffed with is food poisoning.


If Derek saw this, he would roll over in his grave. Can you actually do that? Roll over in a grave? I mean a casket's pretty snug; there's not a lot of room to move in there. More like shake.


Amelia: Who died? I know the face. I've been here before. Everyone thinks they are the first person in the world to look at a human being like that, but it's always the same face. Who is dead?
Owen: Derek. It's Derek.

Derek, it's okay. You go. We'll be fine.


It's too late. You're too late.


This isn't right. You should have taken me to get a head CT.


It's a beautiful day to save lives.


The first time I kissed my wife, she wasn't my wife then, she was just this girl in a bar. But when we kissed, it was like, I gotta tell you, it was like I'd never kissed any other woman before. It was like my first kiss. The right kiss.


Girl: Oh my god, I'm gonna die.
Derek: Stop saying that. It's insulting. I don't let people die. I'm very good at my job. Even next to the roadside.

Derek: No one's gonna die, Winnie.
Winnie: You aren't go, so, you don't know.

Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Quotes

How are you gonna get laid when the person you love is here and you’re in DC?


I don’t care about your boobs, Wilson. Out.


Grey's Anatomy Season 11 Music

  Song Artist
Le Boom Vent Suite Jill Scott iTunes
Song Ghost Of The Year Piney Gir & Correa Town
I Will Be There Odessa iTunes