Owen: Nice work today.
Cristina: Nice work today! Seriously?
Owen: I'm sorry?
Cristina: Run to my truck. You got O'malley clipping bleeders, and you're telling me to run to your truck.
Owen: You know what my truck looks like. O'malley doesn't. But, that... that run you took saved the guys life.
Cristina: Yeah, well all day, all day you were teaching O'Malley and you ignored me.
Owen: O'Malley wants to be a trauma surgeon. You've already declared cardio. I didn't do anything wrong today. I treated you like I would anyone else.
Cristina: (pushes him) I am not like anyone else. Take care now? What is that? What are you like, you're not happy now? What... what are you? You know, just a choke 'em and forget 'em kind of guy?
Owen: (pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Cristina)
Cristina: Hey there now. Take care now. Nice work Yang. What is this?
Owen: It's my shrink. My shrink gave me these sentences. We ah, we came up with them together. They're all 3 word sentences. So I could have something to say to you instead of the 3 words that are... that are killing me. The 3 words that you know I feel but I can't say them, because it would be cruel to say them, because I am no good for you. I don't wanna torture you. I don't wanna look at you longingly when I know I can't be with you. So, yeah I'm smiling, and I'm saying take care now. I'm letting you off the hook. I'm trying, I'm trying so hard to let you off the hook. I'm trying to make it right. What I did to you. Can't you see that? I'm just trying to make it right.
Cristina: (gives the paper back) Take care now.

Mrs Stevens: Are you sure you don't want me to stay?
Izzie: I'm sure. I'm ok. I'll be ok.
Mrs Stevens: Well, if you're not, you know where to find me.
Izzie: I love you mom. I love you so much. But, we do better loving each other from a distance.
Mrs Stevens: You were always too good for that trailer park. That I knew. I may not know that much, and I may not be quite as smart as you. I always knew that.

Richard: Ahem.
Meredith: Oh great! Is this another heart to heart?
Richard: I know you don't like me, and you have every right not to like me. I have abused my power, but now I'm here on your turf. What I need to say... What I need to say is I saw what your mother was doing. I saw how neglected you were, I saw her drive your father off. And, I spent a lot of time beating myself up about that. But, what does that do for you? Nothing. Nothing! I wasn't your advocate. I didn't fight for you. I never stood up for you. I left myself off the hook. I told myself I was young, and didn't know any better. But, I did know better. I wasn't much younger than you are now. I should have fought for you Meredith. Like you fought for that child today. I told myself that I wasn't your father, that it wasn't my responsibility, that I was right not to butt in. I let myself off the hook. You were helpless. You were a baby. A beautiful, smart, funny little girl, and no one stood up for you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. (Mer leans on Richard's shoulder.) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Mark: Tree girl made it through?
Callie: I can't lie. Even if they think I'm wrong. Even if they don't understand. Even if they think I'm crazy. I'm me. They're supposed to accept me. They're supposed to support me. They're supposed to love me. You know? I can't lie.

Richard: Dr. Grey
Derek: Meredith.
Meredith: I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier.
Richard: Dr. Grey
Derek: Meredith.
Meredith: I know I was out of line, and I know I can't possibly imagine what you've been through. But, I also know that this cannot be your daughters story. That she shot her dad 17 times to protect her mom, and you went back to him. You have to change her story while you still have a chance. For both of you. But for her, but for your little girl, you have to change her story. (Walks away) I'll pack my stuff.

Meredith: What happened?
George: Hunt is incredible. The guy shouldn't be alive. 17 bullets, he has one lung. He's got one kidney left.

Derek: You just have to give her some room. You two have history.
Richard: I apologized.
Derek I know, and it's loaded.
Richard: Look, she keeps yelling at me that I'm not her father. Well, I am not. I fell in love with her mother, that's all I did.
Derek: Her mother never got over you. And she's not gonna...
Richard: Oh, that's not my fault. Look I was young, lots of people have affairs. They have affairs and they don't... Look what Ellis did after I left, that's on Ellis. And I'm trying to run a hospital here.
Derek: She's doing the best she can Richard.
Richard: Well, her best isn't good enough. If any other resident... If any other resident pulled the crap she did today. She is still here because of my history with you. That's it. That's the only reason.
Derek: You keep saying you're not her father, but you... ok... you know, since we're talking. You're the most professional guy I know. Most level headed. Except when it comes to Meredith Grey. You gave me hell. You know, you weren't gonna give me Chief because I was dating Meredith Grey. You told her about the ring, you sent her out to the woods to bring me back. That's not running a hospital. You paged her to your office to try and address us. You paged her again today for Thatcher. You have history with her. You keep saying you're not her father, but the way you act, you consider her family. For what it's worth.

Mrs Stevens: I think It's gonna be fine. I think those mats are gonna be just teeny tiny.
Izzie: It's ah, Mets mom. Mets.
Mrs Stevens: Mets? Like baseball?
Izzie: Yeah, like baseball.
Bailey: Ah, good news. Great news. The cancer's practically gone. It's... it looks like your psychic was right. Miss Stevens. It looks like we caught it early after all.
Mrs Stevens: Oh! Oh thank you god. Thank you. Oh, my baby. Jesus, Mary and Joseph thank you. Thank you. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.But I new it. Didn't I. I knew it. I knew. Because you're my cricket. Nothing can hurt you.
Izzie: I love you mom.
Mrs Stevens: I love you too baby girl. I love you so, so much. God look at me, I must be a mess. Well, I'm gonna go clean up ok. And then ah, then I'm gonna call Jade, and Miss Norris. I got them all so worried.
Izzie: Just tell me.
Bailey: The mets have shrunk some, but there are new mets, to several new mets in the small bowel
Izzie: No surgery then.
Bailey: Oh, I'm gonna operate. I'm going to take out absolutely everything I can. Be as aggressive as I can. Then we'll take it from there.
Izzie: Ok.
Bailey: Ok.

Callie: Come on Willow. You can do this. You lived in a tree, you crapped in a bucket, you can do this.
Arizona: She crapped in a bucket?
Callie: What are you doing here?
Arizona: Saw it on the board. Never seen an intermodulary rod put into a femur before. So, bucket?
Callie: Yeah. Bucket on a pulley. She's ah, up in the tree right. So, she lowers the crap bucket to a friend, everyday, who empties it, cleans it, puts food it, and sends it back up the tree.
Arizona: Oh, that's friendship. Oh.
Callie: Yeah.
Arizona: You know they teach us in MED school how not to care so much. We drape the patient's so we don't see their faces, we do a thousand different things to care a little less. You care like crazy, and I love that. And I'll keep loving that even if you decide to lie to your family.

Mrs Stevens: Oh, the lovers card. Do you know what this means?
Izzie: Yes. No. Yes. I'm, um, mom. Can you please just shut up.
Alex: It's meat. It's definitely some kind of meat.
Izzie: You're killin me. You know that?
Mrs Stevens: It means that the sex is hot. Hmmm? Now, I bet that little old mole didn't get in the way of that. Am I right?
Izzie: Honey, hey. Isn't it time for my scan? Isn't it time for my scan right now?
Alex: Oh! I'll go check, see if I can get things moving along.
Izzie: Thank you.
Mrs Stevens: So tell me about Dr. Hottie. How long have you all been together?
Izzie: Mom. It's not just a mole. I have stage 4 melanoma. It's in my organs. It's not just a mole.
Mrs Stevens: You don't have skin on your organs, hun. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Don't just sigh at me Izobel. Just, you know. Just explain.
Izzie: Ok, um, you remember when Grammy had that tumor on her thyroid?
Mrs Stevens: Grammy died. She died, she... really soon after that she died. Wh... why are you t... telling me this? You have a mole. I don't understand. You, you just... you have a mole. Wh... what. Wh...
Izzie: Ok. I'm sorry. That was a really bad comparison.
Mrs Stevens: Wh... (starts to get really distraught)
Izzie: What I have is nothing like what Grammy had. Ok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Mrs Stevens: No.
Izzie: Just breathe. It's ok. I'm alright. Ok. Just breathe. Ok. It's ok. It's ok, I'm ok. Just breathe.

Meredith: I know Richard Webber's your friend.
Derek: It's not about Richard.
Meredith: It is! It is about him. Because, I have to deal with him on a professional basis everyday. And I have tried to draw a line with him, and he won't respect it. He doesn't respect it. He uses his relationship with you...
Derek: Richard doesn't use his relationship...
Meredith: Stop defending him! Ok, be on my side. I need you to be on my side.
Derek: Ok.
Meredith: He's not your best friend. He's not your Cristina. Which is why I feel like it's ok to say to you he is not invited to our wedding. Because, I swear Derek, if he's there, I won't be. And I'm the bride, so I have to be. So, I'm begging you please. He's not invited, ok?
Derek: Ok.
Meredith: Thank you.
Derek: Mhmm.

Richard: I see that you're angry, and may be angry with your mother.
Meredith: Don't do that! I'm not your friend, and I am not your family. You don't get to call me into your office on personal business, and you don't get to speak to me this way right now. It's an abuse of power. I'm a resident. I work for you. You have to speak to me like I'm a resident. And for the record Chief, somebody had to stand up for that little girl, and I make no apologies for that.
Richard: You wanna just be a resident? Fine. Alright then. That woman, is a victim of domestic violence. This hospital is supposed to be a safe place for her to come and tell her story. And as her doctors it is our job to help her. You did not do your job. Instead you further battered a battered woman.
Meredith: What about the little girl!
Richard: Dr. Grey. You will stay away from that child. You will stay away from that family. You will not come within 100 feet of them. And if you do, you will be suspended from this hospital pending reevaluation of your emotional and mental fitness for residency.

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Arizona: Maybe we're bouncier in ped's, than in general surgery. But I thought there would be a yay! Or some jumping around. 'Cause you look pretty dower for someone whose about to start a highly prized fellowship. You are about to start a highly prized fellowship right?
Callie: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George, you in?
Arizona: Stop George from what?
Bailey: Ah, he joined the army. Yes. I'm in.
Arizona: Bailey, I'm talking to you! Why are you trying to stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army.
Arizona: And?
Callie: And, because he's my ex husband, and I know his mom and I love his mom. And, normally Izzie would talk sense into him but, she's got cancer, and kind of a bad mental deficit. So, it's on me to stop him.
Arizona: Why would you wanna stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army. Don't you think that's a problem?
Arizona: I think that's awesome.
Callie: Awesome?