[narrating] We like to think we're fearless, eager to explore unknown lands and soak up new experiences, but the fact is, we're always terrified. Maybe the terror is part of the attraction. Some people go to horror movies. We cut things open. Dive into dark water. And at the end of the day, isn't that what you'd rather to hear about? If you've got one drink and one friend and 45 minutes. Slow rides make for boring stories. A little calamity. Now that's worth talking about.


[narrating] In 6500 BC, some guy looked at his friend and said, let's drill a hole in your head... that will make you feel better. And thus surgery was born. It takes a certain brand of crazy to think of drilling into someone's skull, but surgeons have always been a confident bunch. We don't always know what we're doing, but we act like we do. We walk into a country, plant a flag and start ordering people around. It's invigorating and terrifying.


Callie: We need to have rules.
Erica: What?
Callie: Rules. We need rules about how we're going to deal with the motherland. Because it's undiscovered country. Maybe... maybe it will be the best vacation either of us have ever had, but it's mysterious, and dark, and ... there should be rules. Oh, and an embassy. And a safe word.
Erica: I'm sorry. What the hell are you talking about?
Callie: Hello? Below the Mason-Dixon line. Of your pants!

Callie: I'm not sure I'm ready to go there.
Erica: Me neither! There's lots of undiscovered territory above the belt. We can take it slow. Maybe just... first base?
Callie: [laughs] Phew! Okay. Phew.
Erica: Finish my wine. I'm going to look at the menu for a minute while your blood pressure drops back down to to normal.
Callie: Erica? Maybe second base too.

[to Meredith] I'll let you sew part of it in. You're gonna be in there, might as well get your hands dirty.


[to Meredith] You can tell Dr. Yang she's a better teacher than I would have thought. You lie to me about your experience again and the next heart you'll see will be your own as I cut it out of your chest with a steak knife.


Meredith: I told Hahn I knew how to do a coronary reanastomosis.
Cristina: Okay, you know what? Um, snag me some of those grapes over there and I'll teach you.

Richard: O'Malley: Test results.
Lexie: You passed! You're not an intern anymore!

Miranda: I don't talk about sex.
Callie: Please. Let's just pretend I never said a single word.
Miranda: I don't talk about sex with anyone, ever. Any kind of sex.
Callie: Bailey I am begging you...
Miranda: Shhhh!!!

Miranda: The va-jay-jay is undiscovered country. It is the mother land. You've never traveled there... You don't know its customs and ways. Now me? I've always wanted to go to Africa. But if I go, I'm going to have to learn a few things first. I'm going to have to prepare. I'll need shots. Bring my own syringes, in case something goes wrong. And I'll wanna know how to get to the embassy.
Callie: Okay now you've lost me.
Miranda: Just talk about it! Not with me. With the other one.

In Ethiopia, they eat stew of spongy, sour bread. That's not for everyone!


Alex: You stole my surgery!
Izzie: Using me as a doormat is one thing. Screwing with my career is another! I have been wiping your snot and covering your ass for weeks now. And all you've done is abuse me. And for a little while you get to do that because you're heartbroken and pathetic, and I'm a good friend. But it ends now. Get your own surgery and wipe your own snot.

Grey's Anatomy Season 5 Quotes

[narrating] We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality.


Meredith: What happened!?
Cristina: A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve and miss it, but ...
Meredith: How bad is it?
Richard: Meredith -
Cristina: Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong.