John: I lost us the artifact, sir.
Man: Now we have her.

Keyes: Miranda, you're being taken off the project. I hear you're making great advancements with linguistic research. Stick with that. But the artifact stays with Halsey.
Miranda: I don't understand.
Keyes: It's best you don't.

Admiral: You're willing to tell the committee anything they need to hear as long as you get what you want. And now you've put all of us at risk. I'm cutting you off.
Halsey: I wonder what Admiral Hood will have to say about that.
Admiral: What does Hood have to do with all this?
Halsey: Nothing yet. But if the whole truth is revealed, he'll obviously be worried about his own liability. He'll be looking for a scapegoat.
Admiral: Are you really trying to blackmail us?
Halsey: John's memories are incomplete, and I intend to keep them that way. He will operate as designed, and he will bring us the weapon that wins this war.
Keyes: I want Miranda taken off the entire project. Her hands are clean. I want to keep them that way.
Halsey: Good. Finally a parenting issue we can agree upon.

Halsey: Did the children find the transition difficult?
Katie: Just the opposite. They've inherited their parents' pioneer spirit. You can see how dedicated they are to creation of life. They also like to have fun.

This way takes us past the administrative buildings to what we call the Elysium Fields. It's here where the learning happens. The focus is on a nature-based education, grounding technology to the soil.


Halsey is different. She sees the world as a set of data to be optimized, regardless of the short-term pain or sacrifice. Next to this level of dedication, the rest of us ultimately fall short. And when people let her down, Dr. Halsey has a way of cutting them out of her life. But Halsey never stops. She just keeps pushing forward, determined to bend us towards her vision of the future. She's convinced there's something out there just beyond our reach. An answer to our eternal questions. Who are we? Where are we heading? What is our true potential?


Miranda: I know that you report directly to Halsey, but... can we just keep this between us? At least for now, until I figure out what all this--
Kai: Yeah, no problem. It's our secret. You know, the way I see it, we're sort of like sisters.
Miranda: I gotta say, Spartan Officer... there's something very odd about you.

There's too much rebel blood running through this planet. The last thing I need is another Ha martyr. This must be done quietly and discreetly. This requires a professional.


Vinsher: You're late.
Franco: My sister was late to watch the kids.
Vinsher: With what I pay you, you should invest in proper childcare.

I've had enough manipulation for one day, so stick to your job.


Lower your weapons.


John: Why did you come back?
Halsey: There is no one else I can trust.

HALO Season 1 Quotes

Master Chief: When was this?
Kwan: When you killed my mother. She was at a meeting. Outer Colonists getting together to talk about how the UNSC was stripping us of all our natural resources. But before they got into all that, you and three other Spartans showed up, responding to an insurrectionist bomb threat. But, see, that never made much sense, because...
Master Chief: Why would insurrectionists blow up a meeting for insurrectionists?
Kwan: Yeah.
Master Chief: We were ordered to eliminate the organizer. And the orders changed.
Kwan: To what?
Master Chief: The assembled were deemed an imminent threat.
Kwan: My mom seemed like an imminent threat to you?
Master Chief: What I can see on the ground may not reflect the entirety of the situation.
Kwan: What does that mean?
Master Chief: Sometimes... others know things I do not.

Cara: Slow down! I didn't sign up for this! I am completely shanked. This better be worth it, Kwan.
Kwan: Less talking, more looking, Cara.
Cara: Look, if the General finds out we left the outpost...
Kwan: What my father doesn't know won't kill him. I told you I'd find it. Madrigal, the galaxy's highest concentration of heavy hydrogen. Power your ships... and power your drugs.
Cara: This is why you have to stay, Kwan, to find shit like this!
Kwan: Too bad for you, soon as I find a way, I'm getting off this stupid rock.