Hannibal: How is Chiyo?
Will: Well, she pushed me off a train
Hannibal: Attagirl.

Bedelia: My husband is a doctor. He treats my condition.
Jack: What condition is that?
Bedelia: I get confused.

I used to think that Will Graham was Hannibal's biggest mistake. Now I wonder if it isn't you.


Bedelia: How does he inspire such devotion?
Chiyo: You're his psychiatrist.

Hannibal: It would be a shame not to savour you.
Bedelia: I haven't marinated enough for your tastes.

Does he know what you are?


Hannibal: How will you feel when I'm gone?
Jack: Alive.

  • Permalink: Alive.
  • Added:

It would be convenient for me to leave without my dinner.

You can trust me, you know.

Will: Why are you searching for him? What are you hoping to find
Chiyo: I'm not searching for Hannibal. I know exactly where he is.
Will: Is he in Florence?
Chiyo: Yes
Will: Why didn't you tell me you knew?
Chiyo: I told you. Ther are means of influence other than violence. But violence is what you understand.

What is it worth to be known as the man who caught Hannibal Lecter?


Chiyo: If you don't kill him, you're afraid you're going to become him.
Will: Yes

Hannibal Season 3 Quotes

You really are the devil. You certainly seem to enjoy it. You have a click in your hoof.

Abel Gideon

One can appreciate another's words without dissecting them. Though on occasion, dissecting them is the only thing that will do.
