Hiro: (in Japanese) He said look tough. Not like Mr. Roboto.
Ando: (in Japanese) This is my tough guy walk.

Hiro: We are bad asses now!
Ando: Yes! Very bad ass!

We are bad asses now!


We were trying to be better than God.


What have you done? You're a monster.

Maya [to Mohinder]

I haven't had a drink in months, and they make a mean appletini.

Adam Monroe

I wouldn't send anyone to Level 5 that doesn't belong there.


Sylar: You okay?
Claire: Peachy.

Tracy: You think God gave us these powers?
Nathan: If He didn't, who did?
Tracy: A doctir... in California.

Hiro: When we finish our mission, I promise to put you on a more spacious cell.
Ando: With a window.

God resides within. The answers will come.


Does God know what I am? Do I? Am I an angel or a monster?


Heroes Season 3 Quotes

Why is there evil? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How do we make love stay?


I can fix it. All of it.
