Jonas: You want to go off your meds now to figure this out?
Carrie: No. I've already gone off them. Three days ago.

Carrie: The point is that the meds have saved my life, literally, but something is lost, too.
Jonas: The elation.
Carrie: It's more than that. There's this window, when you've got all this crazy energy, but you're still lucid, you're still making sense and that's always when I did my best work.

What I think is nothing has made the world more dangerous in the last 15 years than the foreign policy of the United States.


Carrie: I was different then.
Otto: How?
Carrie: I was younger and I was alone. There wasn't anyone waiting for me back at home.

Allison: If I were Carrie Mathison, what would you be doing right now?
Saul: Excuse me?
Allison: You heard me.
Saul: Exactly what I am doing.
Allison: Bullshit. The gloves would be off, you'd be protecting her at all costs, no matter what she did, no matter how royally she screwed off. [Saul protests] Well guess what, she's gone Saul, so start showing some fucking allegiance to the people who stuck around to support you.

Laura: I'm an American citizen. You have no right to hold me. I want my lawyer. Did you hear me? I want my lawyer!
Astrid: I heard you. You have a loud voice.

They call it the end times. What do you think the beheadings are about? The crucifixions in diya heifer and the revival of slavery. You think they make this shit up? It's all in the book. Their fuckin' book. The only book they ever read. They read it all the time, they never stop. They're there for one reason and one reason only, to dir for the caliphate and usher in a world without infidels. That's their strategy, and it's been that way since the seventh century, so do you really think that a few special forces teams are going to put a dent in that?


Two minutes to prepare yourself for paradise. Well, two minutes more or less. It's not a very good timer.


Our strength is our suffering, and you provide us with an endless supply.

El Amin

Want to tell me how our classified network go within a thousand miles of the goddamned internet?


Saul: So you, what are you atoning for? Keeing American safe?
Carrie: I'm not atoning.
Saul: You turned your back on your entire life.
Carrie: I'm just trying to do good work.
Saul: Well you're not. You're being naive and stupid, something you never were before.

Homeland Season 5 Quotes

Want to tell me how our classified network go within a thousand miles of the goddamned internet?


Saul: So you, what are you atoning for? Keeing American safe?
Carrie: I'm not atoning.
Saul: You turned your back on your entire life.
Carrie: I'm just trying to do good work.
Saul: Well you're not. You're being naive and stupid, something you never were before.