Trevante: Not your first rodeo?
Rose: People who actually go to rodeos don't say that.

Aneesha: So, what do you think?
Clark: We're going to get your daughter back. We'll find a way in.

It's a little bit mad but this whole trip's been mad. And every mad thing has led us here. To Casper. If he says these kids can win the war, let's find them.


Jamila: Who are they? Oh wait. You drew this, right?
Casper: I must have. But I don't remember it.

Trevante: Early riser, huh?
Rose: Only since the world went to hell.

Jamila: So, is this is what bougie people have for dinner? Like little bites and things?
Alfie: No. This is what bougie people have for dinner when they don't actually want to have dinner.

Mitsuki: I left [Hinata] behind.
Maya: Clearly the aliens don't think so. And neither do I.

Aneesha: How fortified do you think Camp Pierce will be?
Clark: No way to know. But we could get lucky.

Nothing's going to happen to us. We're going to find Cas. Then we're going to light up some motherfucking aliens.


Penny: Monty, I wonder why Mom and Dad never let us come here before.
Alfie: This don't look like the kind of place that allows kids. Little dogs maybe, but ...

Ryder: Why didn't you tell me you could hear things?
Luke: I didn't want you thinking I'm some kind of freak.
Ryder: You're not a freak. I mean it. You're special.

Aneesha [to Clark]: I'm going to try the trust thing, really hard. I might be rusty though.
Clark: Let's go get your daughter.

Invasion Season 2 Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.