Be present in this class, and when it's over, be present out there. It's the only way to actually connect with others, to see them as they truly are.

Mr. Hyde

Everyone stay calm. You can never give up hope in the eternal struggle of the good versus the naughty. You may lose the battle, but mischief always wins the war.

You broke the chain of command, but never have I been so glad to have my orders ignored. That was some funny shit, and I'm not just referring to what they had to hose off the Weekday Warriors.


Great Perhaps. I like it. It's just ambiguous enough. Unquantifiable. Kind of magical. Hell of a metaphor. It's also a pretentious way of saying you wanna get laid.

Kevin: Wanna say that to my face 'cause you're talking to my sternum.
Colonel: Closer to your heart when I rip it out.

Mrs. Halter. : I just hope you find whatever it is you're looking for: Your Great Perhaps?
Miles: I think I have. I think I have.

Wait, "Please guys don't." are terrible last words.


Wow Chip, that chip on your shoulder makes you look even shorter.


Mr Hyde: Our time together may be short, but we are engaged in the most important pursuit of all: the search for meaning.

Alaska: Let's make a deal. You figure out what he labyrinth is and how to get out of it, and I'll get you laid, but a sexually liberated intellectual equal, of course. Deal?
Pudge: Deal.

You're smart like him, cute too. But I didn't just say that because I love my boyfriend.

Pudge: What do they mean?
Alaska: That's the mystery isn't it? Is the labyrinth living, dying, and which is he trying to escape: the world or the end of it?

Looking for Alaska Season 1 Quotes

Pudge: But it's so beautiful.
Colonel: The dangerous ones always are.

Mrs. Halter: But why do you have to go now, that's what college is for.
Miles: I've told you why.
Mrs. Halter: Because of some French poet's last words. A Great Perhaps? What does that even mean?
Miles: That's what I need to find out.