I'm a genius. Whitney Frost? She defies categorization.


Zero Matter is unlike any substance we've ever seen. I'm starting to think it's more dangerous than anything we've ever known.


We both know there are currencies more important than money.


I'm not sure whether you follow adventure or adventure follows you.


Aside from Danger, my middle name is Charming.


Jason: Let's just say that she had a very close relationship with the owner of Isodyne Energy, Calvin Chadwick. By that I mean they were involved.
Peggy: Yes, I understand.
Jason: Sleeping together.
Peggy: Your point is clear.

Peggy: How is...everything?
Rose: Everything is through the first door on your right. You can't miss him.

Ready for another adventure, Ms. Carter?


Love the hat.

Peggy [to Dottie]