Is there something you want to tell me?

Elliot [to Angela]

Blend in. Look bored. Broken. Get a blank office stare on my face. This is how they do it, isn't it? How they're able to watch the world fall apart around them? Because to them, this is normal. It's all they know.


You're right. He sometimes can become a different person.


If you pull the right strings, a puppet will dance any way you desire.


If you're seeing me, that means you boys fucked up.


You might just be the perfect type of crazy to protect me... from me.

It's almost as if something has come alive.


This email isn't for Tyrell. It's for us.


It's time Philip Price's hand got slapped.


Elliot never told me how attractive you are. You know, for a shrink, you're pretty foxy.

Don't mistake my generosity for generosity.


Your success will always follow mine. I don't give a fuck about your accord.


Mr. Robot Season 3 Quotes

Time presented us Mr. Alderson when we needed him. Therefore, his will must be our guide. And after Mr. Alderson completes the great work we need from him, he can die for us. Just like his father did.


When we lose our principles, we invite chaos.
