Come on, Merris. We know you've been selling your booty on the Internet. ...Did I really just say that?

CGIS Agent Abigail Borin

I ain't blamin' you for bein' sick. I'm just pissed you're not fightin' like hell to get better.


The truth is out there, Pride. We just haven't found it yet.

CGIS Agent Abigail Borin

You just rendered an image of every divorced man in the South.

CGIS Agent Abigail Borin

"Rich Kimble" as in "Dr. Richard Kimble"? So, you're The Fugitive now?


This is what happens when you use the b-word!


LaSalle: Let me put this in terms you'll understand: move, and the gun goes boom!

[to Pride] You and I - I thought we kept no secrets.


Paul "Baitfish" Jenks: He's not an idiot.
Pride: That's debatable.

Sebastian, yelling at evidence is rarely effective.


I will not quit until I find a rear admiral to shake his rear admiral!


I didn't have time to stretch. Why do they always run?!


NCIS: New Orleans Season 1 Quotes

Pride: Take Brody, learn things. What the hell are you waiting for?
LaSalle: Well you did offer breakfast.

Pride: Go grab your coat and hat. We’ll take a walk. We’ll talk.
Parks: I got nothing to say, old friend.