Belle, I want you to know that I am sorry for everything. If I had to do it all again, I would make sure I was the man you deserved from the very start. I would change everything for you.


Belle: Wait, what happens if he can't pull the sword from the stone?
Emma: Then you'll be sweeping his remains from the floor. You were his maid once.

I hear that you've been very naughty. Tearing out that little girl's heart to break your son's. Kudos! That is next level darkness. Well done.


Oh go ahead, crush it. Better that than helping you with your dirty work.


Not bad for a bloke that spent the last thousand years in a tree.


If I'm the one on the moral high ground, you've fallen quite a ways, Ms Swan.


Put it away, Arthur. We both know that broken sword can't hurt me.


Show me that the mom I know is in there somewhere.


Those two can outlive a cockroach.


You tried to trick me with a catchy title and a comfy chair.


Stop trying to mend that sword or your marriage and your kingdom will be broken forever.


Be careful. Love is a weapon, Deary. The most dangerous weapon of all which means the pain you should worry about isn't the kind inflicted by a broken sword but the kind that comes from a broken heart.


Once Upon a Time Season 5 Quotes

If you're dumb enough to cross the line, be my guest.


Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that but Emma. She knows how we beat bad guys. Heck, she beat most of them for us.
