I have a complicated history with the Almighty.


Sir Malcolm: She will cease to be who she is.
Ethan: Then I will love who she becomes.

Sir Malcolm: Do you hold out hope for her?
Ethan: I hold out for dignity.

Van Helsing: She did not succumb to a disease precisely.
Victor: Of what did she succumb?
Van Helsing: I drove a stake through her heart and cut off her head.

Van Helsing: Of what I am about to tell you, we cannot enlighten him.
Victor: Why not?
Van Helsing: Because the truth is unendurable.

Your father loves you very much and would do anything to save you. But I love you in a different way. I love you enough to kill you.


There was a time I would have gladly killed you and there may come a time when I gladly shall.

Sir Malcolm

I tried to pray that night and God didn’t answer me, but another did.


Perhaps it has always been there, this thing, this demon inside me.


You have to give them names or they’ll never come to life.


Dorian: I suppose we all play parts.
Ethan: What's yours?
Dorian: Human.

  • Permalink: Human.
  • Added:

Sir Malcolm: How will we be able to tell?
Victor: Well, he won’t want to eat everyone, to start.

Penny Dreadful Season 1 Quotes

Ethan: You have a name?
Vanessa: Yes.

Ethan: You have made my visit truly memorable. I shall never forget you.
Woman: Perhaps you'd like to know my name, then.