(to Charlotte) I have a mom who feels like she lost one son to autism and maybe losing another one to measles and she's got another one sitting out here, exposed, and maybe I'm just not persuasive enough. But he's vulnerable. She's not going to let me do anything about it. So I'm really sorry if I piled on some paperwork for you, but I don't need crap from you, right now.


Sam: Well that's it. You're not going to read it and ask me about our policies on work-related injuries or-
Sonia: Oh sure you did a very thorough job.
Sam: You knew that I wouldn't be able to find it and you knew that I would kill myself trying to come up with it.
Sonia: Well, by law your office needs to have that. Now you do.
Sam: You enjoy this, don't you? The power, coming in here, pushing me around.
Sonia: Not at all. I've been nothing but professional.
Sam: You've been a bully. You just can't stand real doctors, can you?

Sam: Alright, maybe I was wrong. But for the past two days, you haven't even looked me in the eye, or even acknowledged that I'm a human being. What is your problem?
Sonia: For two days I've been thinking your lips would taste like chocolate and I couldn't look at them.

Pete: I don't think it's ridiculous. The idea that you and me that we could be more than sex.
Violet: Pete.
Pete: Don't think about what Cooper would say. Or Sam, or Naomi, or anybody. Just think about what you think. Why does it have to be a crazy idea?

(to Addison) Apparently I'm a mysogynistic, manipulative son of a bitch. And ungrateful. You agreed to do something you didn't want to do and I should have been more gracious.


Addison: Hey, do you think I missed the boat with Pete?
Naomi: Ugh. You didn't miss a Pete boat. You dodged hurricane Pete.
Addison: You really think it's gonna end that badly?
Naomi: Are we talking about the same Pete?

Naomi: I want to do something bad. Oh no, no, no, it's not bad, actually I think it's going to make me feel good, only Sam and Addison are going to hate me. Wyatt Lockhart.
Violet: You're going to sleep with Wyatt Lockhart?
Naomi: No, no, no, no. I'm considering consulting with him on a case. But sleeping with him-
Violet: I'm sorry. You said that it was something bad but it was going to make you feel good, so I ...
Naomi: So you went straight to sex?
Violet: I did. I did. I went to sex.

(Addison and Kevin are in bed together)
Addison: Wow!
Kevin: Better.
Addison: Better? What, than me?
Kevin: No. Better. My wounds. I'm healed. I'm good.

(to Naomi) You talked about this practice. The way it's supposed to run. The way we're supposed to treat our patients. You talked about not wanting to give up and then you're going to go downstairs to that place to work with that woman who is doing everything possible to undermine us. To work for that man who's more concerned about getting recognised for his work than which patient lives or dies. How is that not selling out?


Cooper: Hey Pete have you ever paid for sex?
Pete: Don't have to.

Violet: I slept with Pete! (she pauses) There, I told you.
Cooper: You know, I expected better from you.
Violet: I'm sorry. It just happened -
Cooper: You know what? If that's how you want to play it, fine.
Violet: What are you talking about?
Cooper: When you're ready to be mature and tell me who you really slept with I'll be around for you, Violet.
Violet: I'm not lying to you. I really slept with Pete.
Cooper: Okay. (he steps out the door)
Violet: Where are you going?
Cooper: I don't want to be late for my date with Angelina Jolie.

(Kevin is sitting on the stairs)
Addison: How was work?
Kevin: This is as far as I got.
Addison: You been sitting here all day?
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, my ass fell asleep two hours ago. It's not funny.

Private Practice Season 2 Quotes

(to Sam)You suck at being Naomi.


Charlotte: I miss the good old days. When life and death was decided by God instead of doctors.
Violet: Well, we'll be out of jobs.

Private Practice Season 2 Music

  Song Artist
Song Shake It Up The Cars
Home Foo Fighters iTunes
Song Flicker Kathryn Williams